the worst thing ever happened to day. i prangged my micra beast
well i didnt some stupid woman who was on her phone was comin down the road way too fast, and i went into the side of her... sort of.
i was pulling out from a road, i looked she was up the top of the other road, she sped up and as i was in the middle of the road she went into me.
to make matters worse her faggot of a husband came along and assulted me.
so anyways the damage isnt that bad, my driverside light is smashed, my wing is buckled, my bumper is screwed and i think my door has shifted posistion.
and guess what my crappy insurance are saying that its my fault even though she was speedin and on her phone :s
pic will be up as soon as i get them from my mums phone
i was pulling out from a road, i looked she was up the top of the other road, she sped up and as i was in the middle of the road she went into me.
to make matters worse her faggot of a husband came along and assulted me.
so anyways the damage isnt that bad, my driverside light is smashed, my wing is buckled, my bumper is screwed and i think my door has shifted posistion.
and guess what my crappy insurance are saying that its my fault even though she was speedin and on her phone :s
pic will be up as soon as i get them from my mums phone