Meets: Fife and Lothians areas

I thought I'd post and see if anyone wants to do a meet now the weather is improving and longer days. I was thinking South Queensferry as it's scenic for photos, though i'm open to suggestions. Weekends would be best to meet when we are not working, so just put up dates and the most popular we will go for. South Queensferry has the reatail park for Burger King or chippys to get some food and get to know each other (or a drive over to Inverkething to a chippy). It would be great getting a number of K12s together, though any Micra is welcome, just my favorite is the K12.
That's fab! Which Micra do you own?
Let's give it a few days more for people to reply, then we can arrange something. Hopefully we will get good weather for it
Looking good. Are you planning tints for you K11. I've just had a £100 quote from Scot-Tint in Newbridge for my 3 door 160SR. They have different grades of tint and I plan to see their samples and get booked in. 90mins-1hour to do the job! No bad!
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I'm going to a meet at Hermiston Gait on the 20th May at 7pm. It would be nice to have some fellow MSC members there to support it and get to know each other.
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The meet is on Saturday and Dc mapping will be there and a number of clubs have confirmed. It be nice if we could make an appearance to help make it a big one and a great night. All Micra welcome. If we let them know our club be there, they will give us priority parking! Hope we can get a group together. It be good publicity for MSC also.
Anyone else want to join us to make it worth doing this meet? If we can spread the word and see if more Micra owners whant to come that be great. Thanks
The location is the West Car Park in Culross and can be accessed from the road to the Kincardine Bridge for folks from the west and for folks coming from the East just follow the A985 from Rosyth (2nd Junction after Forth Road Bridge.

Scottish Car Enthusiasts are hooking up to check out the Nissan Scene and DW photography will be out to photograph the Micras.

If you have a Micra click going and keep a eye out on the page for updates.
Great news! A fellow K12 owner! Finally! Same colour! I think many a pic of ours together will be on the cards. It's the 30th this month. Where are you based?
Have you any other mods in mind? We can share ideas
Ye bud it's a 1.2 s nothing special. I actually bought it for my daughter who is about to learn to drive so mod wise nothing to outrageous lol. Was thinking of lowering it first off then perhaps a k&n filter and sports back box then alloys that's about it. I'm in methil fife mate which neck of the woods are you from. The meet is in culross ye on the 30th

Sent from my EVA-L09 using Micra Sports Club mobile app
Ye bud it's a 1.2 s nothing special. I actually bought it for my daughter who is about to learn to drive so mod wise nothing to outrageous lol. Was thinking of lowering it first off then perhaps a k&n filter and sports back box then alloys that's about it. I'm in methil fife mate which neck of the woods are you from. The meet is in culross ye on the 30th

Sent from my EVA-L09 using Micra Sports Club mobile app
If you go on the Facebook page and click going, you should get on the page and get all the details.
I'm in Edinburgh. Mine is a 160SR. I'm doing a lot to it. I've a blog on the K12 forums. Love the K12 even the basic ones, especially that colour.
If the weather takes a turn for the worse, we will head for Ferrytoll Park and ride multistory just off the Forth Road bridge at Inverkeithing.

Fingers crossed for sun
Sorry Callum couldn't make it yesterday mate. Cars revs were dropping on idle then back to normal. Not sure what the problem is oh and she lost a wheel trim too coming home from a trip up to aberfeldy last week. Thing is the car was ace last week. Gonna have to get it checked out. Once again sorry bud

Sent from my EVA-L09 using Micra Sports Club mobile app
Thats ok. Hope you get it fixed soon, to come out and play :D
We will be doing the meets at organised events like crail, drift land or knockhill instead. Just post here if going to anything and can get a meet up at it. I'm gutted I'm away on holiday for Japfest :(

Who would like to join Scottish Car Enthusiasts in a drive starting in Moffat and ending back in Moffat, taking in 4 lochs and back to Moffat to indulge in a slot of Moffat Toffee. Stunning views from the devils beef tub to the source of the river tweed.

Thinking of doing this in October to allow for summer holidays and it's one last chance for a drive before winter sets in.

If your keen then drop your name down on Facebook!

Date to follow!
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