Maximum Boost - by Corky Bell


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» CMF Member
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No do not have, but hey you can photocopy and send to me!!
You are a worry Cisco.The dark side has you completly and Monster will be in the next Star Wars movie as an extra.
So many different opinions re which turbo would be the right one but if I was going for broke I think I would be leaning towards the GT25 but I ain't no expert.



» CMF Member
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I just read those recent articles on autospeed about constructing a turbo manifold. Seems pretty logical, but I'm changing a couple of things now on the new one that I make. Smaller diameter runners (Kind of like reverb's) seem the go, there's no point having them any larger than the exhaust ports they reckon now. But then a couple of options for how the pipes flow and merge. I'd like to make 4 separate equal length runners, but its hard to achieve in a tight space. Bring it on!


» CMF Member
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I have that book. Took it with me on a holiday for some light reading. Its pretty good possibly the best I have found. There were some pretty big gaps in it, and doesnt go into anything above 15psi, and it needs updating tbh. I learnt a few things from it. But would have liked to of seen alot more maths and much more depth on some of the topics. I was actually trying to find my copy of it today :)



» CMF Member
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Allright this book arrived today from amazon.

Can't wait to read it! Will keep me half occupied while my turbo and other parts are arriving.


» CMF Member
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One of my uni friends has this book I think, he really liked it and since reading it he has had a bit to say about manifold designs and what not, kinda giving some insight it why certain setups were good and others not. Think that you will find it is a good buy



» CMF Member
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Hey yeah for sure.
I'm only up to about chapter 7 so far, but already I have learnt heaps. Its an awesome book. highly recommended.

So many things I used to believe were totally true and I had completely wrong. Its taught me a lot of cool stuff.

It makes a lot of the myths exposed, some things that I knew already, but its great to hear the reason and formulas behind some of it etc.

Highly recommended. I might make a page up about turbo stuff soon. It has a lot of good simple tips that will help with my current project of turbo conversion improvement etc.


» CMF Member
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Yeah it is a bit old, but all the concepts are identical. And its not that old. Everything is totally relevant to TODAY.

Only thing is yeah it doesn't really talk big boost numbers for street cars, and it doesn't mention ball bearing turbos, it was just before their time. But still covers everything else that a modern day turbo head needs to know.


» CMF Member
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It does mention ball bearing turbos and it also mentions VNT turbos. It is a good book and starts at the basics. down sides are it misses a few bits (or is very thin) and really should be updated since the likes of honeywell (garret) dont use the same kind of values on their maps as is explained in the book. things like this there are other things I noticed but Ive not read it for a while. It is about the best book out there however.


» CMF Member
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I should have said "it doesn't mention ball bearing turbos in the first 6 chapters". I'll read the rest of the book then :)


» CMF Member
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i am decicing betweent wo books just now, this 'maximum boost' and another 'forced induction performance tuning' which i have been told is the best thing bar none.

i would jus like to ask what your final opinion was on this book and if anyone could recommend another?
