Rules=0 // what rules to apply to garage setups (0=none, 1=stock car)
GarageDisplayFlags=1 // how settings are displayed in garage (add): 1=rear wing, 2=radiator, 4=more gear info
Mass=1600.0 // all mass except fuel
Inertia=(2088.0, 2484.0, 470.0) // all inertia except fuel
FuelTankPos=(0.00, 0.14, -0.25) // location of tank relative to center of rear axle in reference plane
FuelTankMotion=(560.0,0.7) // simple model of fuel movement in tank (spring rate per kg, critical damping ratio)
DamageFile=damage // .ini file to find physical and graphical damage info
CGHeight=0.300 // height of body mass (excluding fuel) above reference plane
CGRightRange=(0.500, 0.005, 1) // fraction of weight on left tires
CGRearRange=(0.480, 0.005, 1) // fraction of weight on rear tires
WedgeRange=(0.0, 0.25, 1) // rounds of wedge
WedgePushrod=0.0 // each round of wedge changes rear-left jacking screw by this amount (0.0 to disable, use Rules to allow FR ride height)
GraphicalOffset=(0.0, -0.05, 0.0) // does not affect physics! This just moves the vehicle body for whatever reasons you may have.
FLUndertray=(0.75, 0.0, -0.65) // corner offset from center of front axle in reference plane
FRUndertray=(-0.75, 0.0, -0.65) // corner offset from center of front axle in reference plane
RLUndertray=(0.75, 0.0, 0.00) // corner offset from center of rear axle in reference plane
RRUndertray=(-0.75, 0.0, 0.00) // corner offset from center of rear axle in reference plane
UndertrayParams=(385000.0, 17500.0, 2.0) // spring/damper/friction
TireBrand=HW_Tires_lvl1 // must appear before tire compound setting (references *.tbc file)
FrontTireCompoundSetting=0 // compound index within brand
RearTireCompoundSetting=0 // compound index within brand
FuelRange=(1.0, 1.0, 70)
NumPitstopsRange=(0, 1, 4)
Pitstop1Range=(1.0, 1.0, 70)
Pitstop2Range=(1.0, 1.0, 70)
Pitstop3Range=(1.0, 1.0, 70)
AIAimSpeedsPerWP=(25.0, 35.0, 45.0, 55.0, 70.0, 90.0, 110.0, 140.0) // speeds at which to look ahead X waypoints (spaced roughly 5 meters apart)
AICornerReductionBase=70.0 // (pointspeed/this number)= % deceleration we can expect through a point
AIMinPassesPerTick=3 // minimum passes per tick (can use more accurate spring/damper/torque values, but takes more CPU)
AIRotationThreshold=0.20 // rotation threshold (rads/sec) to temporarily increment passes per tick
AIEvenSuspension=0.0 // averages out spring and damper rates to improve stability (0.0 - 1.0)
AISpringRate=1.0 // spring rate adjustment for AI physics
AIDamperSlow=0.5 // contribution of average slow damper into simple AI damper
AIDamperFast=0.5 // contribution of average fast damper into simple AI damper
AIDownforceZArm=0.150 // hard-coded center-of-pressure offset from vehicle CG
AIDownforceBias=0.0 // bias between setup and hard-coded value (0.0-1.0)
AITorqueStab=(1.0, 1.0, 0.5) // torque adjustment to keep AI stable
FeelerFlags=0 // how collision feelers are generated (add): 1=box influence 2=reduce wall-jumping 4=allow adjustment hack 8=top directions
FeelerOffset=(0.0, 0.0, 0.0) // offset from cg to use when generating feelers
FeelersAtCGHeight=1 // whether corner and side feelers are automatically adjusted to CG height
FeelerFrontLeft=(0.863,0.384,-1.800) // front-left corner collision feeler
FeelerFrontRight=(-0.863,0.384,-1.800) // front-right corner collision feeler
FeelerRearLeft=(0.815,0.384,1.800) // rear-left corner collision feeler
FeelerRearRight=(-0.815,0.384,1.800) // rear-right corner collision feeler
FeelerFront=(0.064,0.384,-1.900) // front side collision feeler
FeelerRear=(0.064,0.384,1.830) // rear side collision feeler
FeelerRight=(-0.933,0.384,-0.247) // right side collision feeler
FeelerLeft=(0.933,0.384,-0.247) // left side collision feeler
FeelerTopFrontLeft=(-0.570,1.030,-0.150) // top front-left collision feeler
FeelerTopFrontRight=(0.570,1.030,-0.150) // top front-right collision feeler
FeelerTopRearLeft=(-0.660,0.950,1.323) // top rear-left collision feeler
FeelerTopRearRight=(0.660,0.950,1.323) // top rear-right collision feeler
FeelerBottom=(0.064,0.249,-0.247) // bottom feeler
BodyDragBase=(0.400) // base drag
BodyDragHeightAvg=(0.10) // drag increase with average ride height
BodyDragHeightDiff=(0.30) // drag increase with front/rear ride height difference
BodyMaxHeight=(0.20) // maximum ride height that affects drag/lift
BodyLeft=(-0.85, 0.0, 0.0) // aero forces from moving left
BodyRight=(0.85, 0.0, 0.0) // aero forces from moving right
BodyUp=(0.0, -1.5, 0.0) // aero forces from moving up
BodyDown=(0.0, 1.5, 0.0) // aero forces from moving down
BodyAft=(0.0, 0.10, -1.00) // aero forces from moving rearwards
BodyFore=(0.0, -0.275, 0.200) // aero forces from moving forwards (lift value important, but drag overwritten)
BodyRot=(3.0, 2.0, 1.5) // aero torque from rotating
BodyCenter=(0.0, 0.267, -1.167) // center of body aero forces (offset from center of rear axle at ref plane)
RadiatorRange=(100.0, -5.0, 1) // radiator range (front grille tape)
RadiatorSetting=0 // radiator setting
RadiatorDrag=(0.0) // effect of radiator setting on drag
RadiatorLift=(0.0) // effect of radiator setting on lift
BrakeDuctRange=(0.0, 1.0, 1) // brake duct range
BrakeDuctSetting=0 // brake duct setting
BrakeDuctDrag=(0.0) // effect of brake duct setting on drag
BrakeDuctLift=(0.0) // effect of brake duct setting on lift
CorrectedInnerSuspHeight=0.175 // instead of moving inner susp height relative with ride height, use this offset (set to -1 for original behavior)
ApplySlowToFastDampers=0 // whether to apply slow damper settings to fast damper settings
AdjustSuspRates=0 // adjust suspension rates due to motion ratio
AlignWheels=1 // correct for minor unintentional graphical offsets
CenterWheelsOnBodyX=0 // correct for minor unintentional graphical offsets
FrontWheelTrack=1.475 // if non-zero, forces the front wheels to be specified track width
RearWheelTrack=1.475 // if non-zero, forces the rear wheels to be specified track width
LeftWheelBase=2.334 // if non-zero, forces the left side to use specified wheelbase
RightWheelBase=2.334 // if non-zero, forces the right side to use specified wheelbase
SpringBasedAntiSway=0 // 0=diameter-based, 1=spring-based
AllowNoAntiSway=1 // Whether first setting gets overridden to mean no antisway bar
FrontAntiSwayRange=(0.026, 0.002, 2)
FrontAntiSwayRate=(1.11e11, 4.0) // (base, power), so rate = base * (diameter in meters ^ power)
RearAntiSwayBase=0.0 // extra anti-sway from tube twisting
RearAntiSwayRange=(0.014, 0.001, 2)
RearAntiSwayRate=(1.11e11, 4.0) // (base, power), so rate = base * (diameter in meters ^ power)
FrontToeInRange=(-0.10, 0.05, 1)
RearToeInRange=(0.10, 0.05, 1)
LeftCasterRange=(3.0, 0.1, 1) // front-left caster
RightCasterRange=(3.0, 0.1, 1) // front-right caster
SteeringFFBMult=1.1 // vehicle-specific multiplier by steering force feedback
SteerLockRange=(5.0, 1.0, 36)
RearBrakeRange=(0.250, 0.01, 1)
BrakePressureRange=(0.75, 0.05, 6) // brake pressure
HandbrakePressRange=(0.00, 0.10, 11) // handbrake pressure
AutoUpshiftGripThresh=0.63 // auto upshift waits until all driven wheels have this much grip (reasonable range: 0.4-0.9)
AutoDownshiftGripThresh=0.63 // auto downshift waits until all driven wheels have this much grip (reasonable range: 0.4-0.9)
TractionControlGrip=(1.00, 0.20) // average driven wheel grip multiplied by 1st number, then added to 2nd
TractionControlLevel=(0.30, 0.90) // effect of grip on throttle for low TC and high TC
ABS4Wheel=1 // 0 = old-style single brake pulse, 1 = more effective 4-wheel ABS
ABSGrip=(1.00, 0.20) // grip multiplied by 1st number and added to 2nd
ABSLevel=(0.30, 0.90) // effect of grip on brakes for low ABS and high ABS
OnboardBrakeBias=0 // whether brake bias is allowed onboard
SpeedLimiter=0 // Whether a pitlane speed limiter is available
Normal=HW_Engine // unrestricted engine
RestrictorPlate=HW_Engine // restrictor plate engine
ClutchEngageRate=0.4 // how quickly clutch is engaged with auto-clutch driving aid
AllowManualOverride=0 // whether to allow manual shift overrides when using auto shifting
SemiAutomatic=0 // whether throttle and clutch are operated automatically (like an F1 car)
UpshiftDelay=0.160 // delay in selecting higher gear (low for semi-automatic, higher for manual)
UpshiftClutchTime=0.225 // time to ease auto-clutch in AFTER upshift (0.0 for F1 cars)
DownshiftDelay=0.160 // delay in selecting lower gear (low for semi-automatic, higher for manual)
DownshiftClutchTime=0.225 // time to ease auto-clutch in AFTER downshift (used to be SemiAutoClutchTime)
DownshiftBlipThrottle=0.70 // amount of throttle used to blip if controlled by game (instead of player)
WheelDrive=REAR // which wheels are driven: REAR, FOUR (even torque split), or FRONT
GearFile=HW_gears.ini // Must come before final/reverse/gear settings!
AllowGearingChanges=0 // cannot change stock ratios until one buys a tranny upgrade
AllowFinalDriveChanges=0 // cannot change stock ratio until one buys a diff upgrade
FinalDriveSetting=1 // indexed into GearFile list
DiffPumpTorque=0.0 // at 100% pump diff setting, the torque redirected per wheelspeed difference in radians/sec (roughly 1.2kph)
DiffPumpRange=(0.0,0.10,1) // differential acting on all driven wheels
DiffPowerRange=(0.45,0.25,1) // fraction of power-side input torque transferred through diff
DiffPowerSetting=0 // (not implemented for four-wheel drive)
DiffCoastRange=(0.25,0.25,1) // fraction of coast-side input torque transferred through diff
DiffCoastSetting=0 // (not implemented for four-wheel drive)
DiffPreloadRange=(30.0, 10.0, 1) // preload torque that must be overcome to have wheelspeed difference
DiffPreloadSetting=0 // (not implemented for four-wheel drive)
BumpTravel=-0.070 // suspension travel upwards
ReboundTravel=-0.250 // suspension travel downwards
BumpStopSpring=160000.0 // initial spring rate of bumpstop
BumpStopRisingSpring=1.20e7 // rising spring rate of same (multiplied by deflection squared)
BumpStopDamper=2000.0 // initial damping rate of bumpstop
BumpStopRisingDamper=9.00e5 // rising damper rate of same (multiplied by deflection squared)
BumpStage2=0.090 // speed where damper bump moves from slow to fast
ReboundStage2=-0.090 // speed where damper rebound moves from slow to fast
FrictionTorque=7.81 // Newton-meters of friction between spindle and wheel
SpinInertia=1.325 // inertia in pitch direction including any axle but not brake disc
CGOffsetX=0.000 // x-offset from graphical center to physical center (NOT IMPLEMENTED)
PushrodSpindle=(-0.120, -0.100, 0.000) // spring/damper connection to spindle or axle (relative to wheel center)
PushrodBody=(-0.220, 0.300, 0.000) // spring/damper connection to body (relative to wheel center)
CamberRange=(-2.0, 0.5, 1)
PressureRange=(100.0, 1.0, 301)
PackerRange=(0.000, 0.001, 1)
SpringMult=1.00 // take into account suspension motion if spring is not attached to spindle (affects physics but not garage display)
SpringRange=(80000.0, 5000.0, 1)
RideHeightRange=(0.170, 0.005, 1)
DamperMult=1.00 // take into account suspension motion if damper is not attached to spindle (affects physics but not garage display)
SlowBumpRange=(6000.0, 250.0, 1)
FastBumpRange=(3000.0, 250.0, 1)
SlowReboundRange=(9000.0, 500.0, 1)
FastReboundRange=(6000.0, 500.0, 1)
BrakeDiscRange=(0.025, 0.000, 1) // disc thickness
BrakePadRange=(0, 1, 5) // pad type (not implemented)
BrakeDiscInertia=0.750 // inertia per meter of thickness
BrakeOptimumTemp=250.0 // optimum brake temperature in Celsius (peak brake grip)
BrakeFadeRange=400.0 // temperature outside of optimum that brake grip drops to half (too hot or too cold)
BrakeWearRate=1.20e-013 // meters of wear per second at optimum temperature
BrakeFailure=(1.33e-002,7.21e-004) // average and variation in disc thickness at failure
BrakeTorque=2075.0 // maximum brake torque at zero wear and optimum temp
BrakeHeating=0.00100 // heat added linearly with brake torque times wheel speed (at max disc thickness)
BrakeCooling=(3.60e-002,4.60e-004) // minimum brake cooling rate (base and per unit velocity) (at max disc thickness)
BrakeDuctCooling=1.18e-004 // brake cooling rate per brake duct setting (at max disc thickness)
BumpTravel=-0.070 // suspension travel upwards
ReboundTravel=-0.250 // suspension travel downwards
BumpStopSpring=160000.0 // initial spring rate of bumpstop
BumpStopRisingSpring=1.20e7 // rising spring rate of same (multiplied by deflection squared)
BumpStopDamper=2000.0 // initial damping rate of bumpstop
BumpStopRisingDamper=9.00e5 // rising damper rate of same (multiplied by deflection squared)
BumpStage2=0.090 // speed where damper bump moves from slow to fast
ReboundStage2=-0.090 // speed where damper rebound moves from slow to fast
FrictionTorque=7.81 // Newton-meters of friction between spindle and wheel
SpinInertia=1.325 // inertia in pitch direction including any axle but not brake disc
CGOffsetX=0.000 // x-offset from graphical center to physical center (NOT IMPLEMENTED)
PushrodSpindle=(0.120, -0.100, 0.000) // spring/damper connection to spindle or axle (relative to wheel center)
PushrodBody=(0.220, 0.300, 0.000) // spring/damper connection to body (relative to wheel center)
CamberRange=(-2.0, 0.5, 1)
PressureRange=(100.0, 1.0, 301)
PackerRange=(0.000, 0.001, 1)
SpringMult=1.00 // take into account suspension motion if spring is not attached to spindle (affects physics but not garage display)
SpringRange=(80000.0, 5000.0, 1)
RideHeightRange=(0.170, 0.005, 1)
DamperMult=1.00 // take into account suspension motion if damper is not attached to spindle (affects physics but not garage display)
SlowBumpRange=(6000.0, 250.0, 1)
FastBumpRange=(3000.0, 250.0, 1)
SlowReboundRange=(9000.0, 500.0, 1)
FastReboundRange=(6000.0, 500.0, 1)
BrakeDiscRange=(0.025, 0.000, 1) // disc thickness
BrakePadRange=(0, 1, 5) // pad type (not implemented)
BrakeDiscInertia=0.750 // inertia per meter of thickness
BrakeOptimumTemp=250.0 // optimum brake temperature in Celsius (peak brake grip)
BrakeFadeRange=400.0 // temperature outside of optimum that brake grip drops to half (too hot or too cold)
BrakeWearRate=1.20e-013 // meters of wear per second at optimum temperature
BrakeFailure=(1.33e-002,7.21e-004) // average and variation in disc thickness at failure
BrakeTorque=2075.0 // maximum brake torque at zero wear and optimum temp
BrakeHeating=0.00100 // heat added linearly with brake torque times wheel speed (at max disc thickness)
BrakeCooling=(3.60e-002,4.60e-004) // minimum brake cooling rate (base and per unit velocity) (at max disc thickness)
BrakeDuctCooling=1.18e-004 // brake cooling rate per brake duct setting (at max disc thickness)
BumpTravel=-0.070 // suspension travel upwards
ReboundTravel=-0.260 // suspension travel downwards
BumpStopSpring=160000.0 // initial spring rate of bumpstop
BumpStopRisingSpring=1.20e7 // rising spring rate of same (multiplied by deflection squared)
BumpStopDamper=2000.0 // initial damping rate of bumpstop
BumpStopRisingDamper=9.00e5 // rising damper rate of same (multiplied by deflection squared)
BumpStage2=0.090 // speed where damper bump moves from slow to fast
ReboundStage2=-0.090 // speed where damper rebound moves from slow to fast
FrictionTorque=7.81 // Newton-meters of friction between spindle and wheel
SpinInertia=1.525 // inertia in pitch direction including any axle but not brake disc
CGOffsetX=-0.030 // x-offset from graphical center to physical center (NOT IMPLEMENTED)
PushrodSpindle=(-0.170, -0.100, 0.000) // spring/damper connection to spindle or axle (relative to wheel center)
PushrodBody=(-0.200, 0.220, 0.000) // spring/damper connection to body (relative to wheel center)
CamberRange=(-1.5, 0.5, 1)
PressureRange=(100.0, 1.0, 301)
PackerRange=(0.000, 0.001, 1)
SpringMult=1.0 // take into account suspension motion if spring is not attached to spindle (affects physics but not garage display)
SpringRange=(60000.0, 5000.0, 1)
RideHeightRange=(0.180, 0.005, 1)
DamperMult=1.00 // take into account suspension motion if damper is not attached to spindle (affects physics but not garage display)
SlowBumpRange=(5000.0, 250.0, 1)
FastBumpRange=(2500.0, 250.0, 1)
SlowReboundRange=(9500.0, 500.0, 1)
FastReboundRange=(5000.0, 500.0, 1)
BrakeDiscRange=(0.025, 0.000, 1) // disc thickness
BrakePadRange=(0, 1, 5) // pad type (not implemented)
BrakeDiscInertia=0.600 // inertia per meter of thickness
BrakeOptimumTemp=250.0 // optimum brake temperature in Celsius (peak brake grip)
BrakeFadeRange=400.0 // temperature outside of optimum that brake grip drops to half (too hot or too cold)
BrakeWearRate=1.50e-013 // meters of wear per second at optimum temperature
BrakeFailure=(1.33e-002,7.21e-004) // average and variation in disc thickness at failure
BrakeTorque=2075.0 // maximum brake torque at zero wear and optimum temp
BrakeHeating=0.00125 // heat added linearly with brake torque times wheel speed (at max disc thickness)
BrakeCooling=(1.94e-002,2.45e-004) // minimum brake cooling rate (base and per unit velocity) (at max disc thickness)
BrakeDuctCooling=6.26e-005 // brake cooling rate per brake duct setting (at max disc thickness)
BumpTravel=-0.070 // suspension travel upwards
ReboundTravel=-0.260 // suspension travel downwards
BumpStopSpring=160000.0 // initial spring rate of bumpstop
BumpStopRisingSpring=1.20e7 // rising spring rate of same (multiplied by deflection squared)
BumpStopDamper=2000.0 // initial damping rate of bumpstop
BumpStopRisingDamper=9.00e5 // rising damper rate of same (multiplied by deflection squared)
BumpStage2=0.090 // speed where damper bump moves from slow to fast
ReboundStage2=-0.090 // speed where damper rebound moves from slow to fast
FrictionTorque=7.81 // Newton-meters of friction between spindle and wheel
SpinInertia=1.525 // inertia in pitch direction including any axle but not brake disc
CGOffsetX=0.030 // x-offset from graphical center to physical center (NOT IMPLEMENTED)
PushrodSpindle=(0.170, -0.100, 0.000) // spring/damper connection to spindle or axle (relative to wheel center)
PushrodBody=(0.200, 0.220, 0.000) // spring/damper connection to body (relative to wheel center)
CamberRange=(-1.5, 0.5, 1)
PressureRange=(100.0, 1.0, 301)
PackerRange=(0.000, 0.001, 1)
SpringMult=1.0 // take into account suspension motion if spring is not attached to spindle (affects physics but not garage display)
SpringRange=(60000.0, 5000.0, 1)
RideHeightRange=(0.1800, 0.005, 1)
DamperMult=1.00 // take into account suspension motion if damper is not attached to spindle (affects physics but not garage display)
SlowBumpRange=(5000.0, 250.0, 1)
FastBumpRange=(2500.0, 250.0, 1)
SlowReboundRange=(9500.0, 500.0, 1)
FastReboundRange=(5000.0, 500.0, 1)
BrakeDiscRange=(0.025, 0.000, 1) // disc thickness
BrakePadRange=(0, 1, 5) // pad type (not implemented)
BrakeDiscInertia=0.600 // inertia per meter of thickness
BrakeOptimumTemp=250.0 // optimum brake temperature in Celsius (peak brake grip)
BrakeFadeRange=400.0 // temperature outside of optimum that brake grip drops to half (too hot or too cold)
BrakeWearRate=1.50e-013 // meters of wear per second at optimum temperature
BrakeFailure=(1.33e-002,7.21e-004) // average and variation in disc thickness at failure
BrakeTorque=2075.0 // maximum brake torque at zero wear and optimum temp
BrakeHeating=0.00125 // heat added linearly with brake torque times wheel speed (at max disc thickness)
BrakeCooling=(1.94e-002,2.45e-004) // minimum brake cooling rate (base and per unit velocity) (at max disc thickness)
BrakeDuctCooling=6.26e-005 // brake cooling rate per brake duct setting (at max disc thickness)