Manual transmission oil leak

When under my car today to do an oil change (which incidentally I didn't get to do but that's another story) I realised the transmission was leaking oil. :doh: There's never any liquid under the car and I've checked the level and it's more than fine, so I'm guessing the leak is a minor one and the car is OK to drive for now (I hope it is as it's got to get me to Silverstone tomorrow).

My question is, how do I fix the leak? I assume the seal is just a bit crappy, but how do I fix this - I guess I need a new drain plug and/or seal (if there is one)?

Any ideas much appreciated.
Yes.. is there a leak? It is kind of the lowest point and a good place for accumulated oil to drip off.. especially as you just changed the oil and presumably filter, and may have splashed a little onto the top of the gearbox..
Thanks for your replies. There's oil on the base of the transmission housing (which is quite dirty, which is partly what makes me think it's been there a while, hence the leak is quite minor), and when I felt the drain plug on the box I got a bit of oil on my finger.

I didn't actually do the engine oil change in the end so it can't be that.
If the oil is black or very dirty then its more likely to be engine oil, gear-oil has a very distinctive smell to it as you will know if you chacked the level.

Get a bit on your finger and have a sniff:laugh:
as said above. it's more than likely engine oil that's previously been leaking that has splattered all over the place. Give it a good wipe clean, and if it hasnt returned in a few days, you can assume its ok.
on the leaky engine oil on the plug there is usually and oring type seal on them i would just get a new one of those. ( i think k10's have them )

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