ma10 flywheel

frank i know its a little off topic bu what the hell, i fitted my lightened on last weekend and its made a really big increase in acceleration, very pleased at practically no cost what so ever to me.
yes launch is really good, havent really noticed fuel yet, but i put my custom designed and made 4-2-1 manifold on aswell, so im expecting to to go down a bit,
havent really noticed fuel yet, but i put my custom designed and made 4-2-1 manifold on aswell, so im expecting to to go down a bit,
This might be a stupid question, but how does changing the exhaust manifold change the consumption of fuel? Is it just because it's a smoother flow of exhaust therefore it's easier for the engine to burn then spit stuff out? I never really got in great detail why different exhausts gave different performance boosts...

cams have an overlap, where the exhaust valves are still closing while the inlets are starting to open
this helps to scavenge the burnt charge from the combustion chamber and keep the fresh charge clean, so an extractor manifold helps a little, but you can lose some unburnt fuel/air thro the exhaust, so you get more power but in theory less mpg i think
A few questions, if you don't mind..

How light is it?
Will it fit a 1.3 facelift?
And would you post it?


between 4 and 4,1/2kg (same as mine but without the drill holes)
it will fit any cg not coilpack
i would post it no probs
somebody else showed an interest, but i think he,s got a k10

if you,ve got a square block over each sparkplug, its coilpack
if they are round rubber plugcaps, its dizzy
my bank account doesn't do cheques, I'll ask about getting someone else to write it and give them the cash.

I'll definatly have it off you though :)


robert, i think you,ve got the later g/box and the cg10 f/w is different (smaller clutch) :glance:
What year model did the flywheel come off of?

I had a quick search before i posted this, think i read that facelifts can swap between 1.0 and 1.3 flywheels..

I best double check though!