Lumpy/Stalling Engine


In the last few days the 1.2 engine is very lumpy at idle and when being driven. I't nearly want's to stop. It's idling very badly. It does it when the engine is cold or hot.

What could be the problem?

Could be an ignition coil pack, Does your exhaust STINK of rotten eggs (sulphur) And is there any engine management lights on the dash? If the car is under warranty take it back to the dealer!

Daz :alien:
firstly check the basics like checking spark plugs to see if theres any cracks in the ceramic, then move one coil pack around at a time to see if the engines lumpness changes, theres alot of stuff on the 1.2s that could do that problem but its easier with consult to see them, it might even have a fault in the memory that hasnt brought up the mil light

I have just taken the car out for a spin, and it was still the same. But I put it into 4th and held it at around 5,000rpm for about 30s. And it has cleared up. I'll give it another spin tomorrow to see if its actually gone.

Bad petrol maybe?
could be the valves having a carbon build up not letting them seal properly, known problem on the k12 but not much, so far nissan aint said anything yet
did it come on then off?

if so there might still be a fault in the memory could be a good idea to get it checked at a nissan dealer to see what faults have come up,

also is the car under warranty still?
yep its deffinetly sticky valves due to carbon build up ive just recently fixed a k12 with the same problem ok when cold bucat when warm it runs really badly i changed everything like o2 sensor cam and crank sensors then got told by nissan its a sticking valve on number 1 and 2 cylinder take it to ur nissan dealer and ask them to fix it.
I have just taken it to a Nissan garage yesterday. And they don't know what the problem is. They have changed the O2 sensor and have reset the ECU. But no joy!
leave it with them to get it fixed if you still have no joy go to a different dealer that knows what they are doing
Sorted the problem. It was the spark plugs. I allways knew Champions were rubbish. NGK's installed now, and it runs brilliantly.

Thanks guys for your help btw.
Sorted the problem. It was the spark plugs. I allways knew Champions were rubbish. NGK's installed now, and it runs brilliantly.

Thanks guys for your help btw.

Now I need to reset the ECU to get rid of the engine (ornage) light thats on the dash. Any ideas?

P.S. Sorry forthe double post :(
I just took the car out just now, and the problem is back. So it looks like to me the mixture is wrong. Too much petrol is entering the engine and it fouls the spark plugs.

I cant take the plugs out now coz it's bucketing it down outside. But I could bet if I took the plugs out and cleaned them, the car would go like normal.

My Nissan dealer is going to phone a Nissan tekie tomorrow to see what can be done.

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