Lord of the Rings, GIF signature?


Ex. Club Member
Hi everyone,

Just a quick question, i watched LOTR last night and remembered seing a signature (think it was on this forum?!) before of LOTR in 10 seconds...

It's where they're all based in Rivendell, just before they form the fellowship...and Gandalf and Sean Bean (can't remember the characters name) are arguing about how Mordor is spelt.....

....gandalf takes the ring on the giant eagle and drops it in mount doom with a 'Plop'....

Bit vague i know but i remember wetting myself at it (simple things and all that) and wondered whether anyone had it sitting around on their machine?

Fancy posting it up for me?

I know exactly what you're on about, I've seen it before too. But don't have it, gutted.

If he was a bit vague, it's Gandalf, Boromir + Fellowship stood in Rivendell. Then Borimir (I think) says.. you don't just walk into Mordor.. then Gandalf calls an eagle and they all fly to mordor, ring in Mount Doom and there ya go, easy!