loosing power

Hi guys looking for advice here my wife has a micra K12 and having issues with the car well its more like looing power while driving it seems to take a while to pick up for lower revelutions ive changed MAF sensor .spark plugs even ignition coil springs but still same checked all obvious things in cluding and replaced Air filter but still the same and im wondering cud it be fuel filter issus as only started since using E10 from E5 fuel any ideas before i go toally mad lol
Hi,you can try add some octane boost to the fuel would recommend use of E5 though.
I'm currently running with the E 10 and I'm noting a slight miss.
Not sure on loss of power ect but I'm going to say filter would be another good place to check.
I had replaced the spark plugs and some coils might be one of the coils as they are not new didn't have any miss at idle before swapping the plugs and coil.
I'm unable to say if loss of power as not able to drive the vehicle.
I do however think it's the E5 fuel.
I ended up E5 in to get by for now.
The filter for me could be a problem as the fuel neck is ready to get replaced.

You probably best to get some E10 in and add a fuel additive later if you continue loss on power.
As for the E5 the car will run fine but just don't do it if you can avoid?

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