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Just thought I'd say hello!
Been watching the forum a while, not really posted anything but I'll share her with you lot :)

Bought around 6 years ago from a women across the street, sat in our garage for 6 months until my sister turned 17. She's used it for around 4 years and then i learnt to drive. I've driven it for a year and a half now, i hated it at first but being honest, iloveit now ;)

She's bog standard still, and after a slight MOT failure:oops: she's good to go another year!

Starting to rust around the arches and a few dents/scratches and what not but i think she's fair for her age :)

(sorry for the phone pics, camera died)






She's getting a good wash today, Picking ultralites up tomorow:)

Welcome :)

Looking nice, get some more pics up :)

Was that photo of the MOT taken with a Galaxy S 2 by any chance?

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What colours the wheels going? I'm getting superlites we will be twins ha. I had some 13 by 7 superlites on my old micra they look amazing when lowered aswel
They're silver with polished rim, so im just going to repolish it :)
yeah, there are 7x13 et 10
Hoefully lowered after Christmas, only 35mm though
Do you know how wide they are going to be? Mine stuck out about a inch from the arch. Got pulled fined and points so just a warning to be careful
The exact thing he said to me was if your driving down a pedestrian footpath (why I'd be driving down a footpath I don't konw) and if you clip someone with a with the wheel it can grab them and spin them.with he wheel. Rather ridiculous but you kind of see where they are coming from. Ooh and when they asked me to step in the back of the car there was a pack of donuts. Found it rather funny ha
what size tyres were you running?
I need one replacing but i think they're 175/50, might go down to 165/55 as they're nearly half the price and it'll tuck the tread in more
Do you know how wide they are going to be? Mine stuck out about a inch from the arch. Got pulled fined and points so just a warning to be careful

Did your tyre foul the arch?
The tyre tread has to be under the arch and the wheel can protrude 25mm past the widest part of the car (Technically speaking the widest part of the car is your side mirrors.)

I've never been pulled for my wheels and tyres. I've been asked questions by them when I was followed home once and if you know your stuff and can argue your case, they generally leave you alone. Friendly with them, they'll be friendly with you.

1 inch out the arch? B*itch please ;)

When my wheels finally get done they will stick out just over the legal limit.. skymera did you make your extended wheel arches and wheels yourself or did you buy then?
When my wheels finally get done they will stick out just over the legal limit.. skymera did you make your extended wheel arches and wheels yourself or did you buy then?
Bought the wheels and I rolled my arches out and up to form a lip. It now covers the tyre tread. At the cost of denting every panel...

Arch was pulled out an inch or more and the lip added just over an inch.
yeah, my wheels have 175's on atm so the tread is 'just' outside :rolleyes:
they only thing im worried about is my sister being pulled because she uses the car too

They're coming off tonight anyways, for a refurb and i don't have spigot rings yet
Did your tyre foul the arch?
The tyre tread has to be under the arch and the wheel can protrude 25mm past the widest part of the car (Technically speaking the widest part of the car is your side mirrors.)

I've never been pulled for my wheels and tyres. I've been asked questions by them when I was followed home once and if you know your stuff and can argue your case, they generally leave you alone. Friendly with them, they'll be friendly with you.

1 inch out the arch? B*itch please ;)


I was friendly enough they were just being c*nts. I probably didn't have enough stretch. How wide are those wheels lol
wicked im trying to make mine had some standard steel astra wheels (that are already 1 inch wider than the micra) that I knocked the centres out and pulled them im just trying to get to a lathe to weld them on straight (all together I think I will have about 2.5-3 inches on the standard micra wheel plus the deep dish look
I was friendly enough they were just being c*nts. I probably didn't have enough stretch. How wide are those wheels lol

13x8.5J and a low offset. Jay has the same width but never had to flare out his arches, I guess it was the offset difference.
Crikey, that's bold! I'm having an 'interesting time' getting a 7" ET10 wheel to work on the front of the car.....
Crikey, that's bold! I'm having an 'interesting time' getting a 7" ET10 wheel to work on the front of the car.....
I had a lot of trouble too.

Some rolling, flaring and some negative camber and it sits nice. Wings did ripple and lose some shape sadly.
I had a lot of trouble too.

Some rolling, flaring and some negative camber and it sits nice. Wings did ripple and lose some shape sadly.

I'm using a +20mm FRP front wing from Aspect, so I'm hoping it will just be ok with a 13x7 and either a 185/55/r13 Avon ZZR or 175/55/r13 CR500.
Hm thanks,
might look into rolling the arches abit
Could stick the steelies on for the MOT?

You can roll the back out a bit, too much and the rear quarter will crease and dent.
I'd suggest you camber the front rather than attempting to roll the wings as they have a tendency to ripple.
yeah i thought that, and stick 165's to try and not be pulled? :p

the rears are fine, just the fronts im having issues with.
It's my friends dad that runs the garage, but it's my choice i guess, doesn't fall back to him because he MOT'd it with steels
It would be much easier just to use wheels that fit properly to start with and not have any hassle at all be it arch scraping or MOT......but we all have a certain look we're shooting for I guess.

In our case, ET10 is the largest positive offset possible to fit with the braking setup I want to use, so there's merit in making it work and using a larger wing to house it all......otherwise I simply would not bother.

Stance, lows, poke, stretch or whatever name people are giving it these days causes the whole car nation a large amount of ball ache :rolleyes:
Not much has changed, between trying to save money and sell my motorbike, Lec has just took me to work and uni and back

Ultralites have gone, need to ring insurance before i send my next wheels to be bored out, also got extended studs but need another 8


aerowipers to go on and wind deflectors on the way :)
Ask belly about the other extended studs, sure he said something about he could get me the them if I had 8 normal studs to replace them. Also bottom pic let down by the mountain of cigarette ends next to car lol
Those ultralites look really good :) what size tyres were you running on them? Looks like a lower profile might have helped get them under the arches a bit more
175/50 lol, yeah 165's would be better
Steves got them now

I wouldn't be able to get it low enough to look even half decent

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