after the most horrid of luck the last 2 days the super S is finally home..
i think it just did not wanna leave scotland yesaterday at alll
started off i woke uip at 7am to get things organised trailor board etc and wired up to the white k10!!
finally after getting the dolly hitched up and everything ok got set of at 10 am . bit later than i wanted. but. on route now ne ways..
over all was an easy journey up the car pulling the weight very easy etc. cruidsed along at 50-60mph
made it up to glasgow in 4 1/2 hours plus 2 stoppages (women)
ne ways. got up there, and popped round georges (nicons) who was unfortunatly still having issues with titch's car . so after a few playful bantering etc
had to run to scrappies to get a driveshaft (to which i was astonished aT THE PRICE omg i would have paid about 4 times less down mine
but from there me and titch decided to go get teh super S, as the guy was waiting for me
because the dolly was back at georges etc accupied decided we would pull it. me driving my car and titch steering the super S.
( damn that boy likes to hit the brakes hard) ne ways
rope snapped so was left stranded.
though the guy i had just purchased the car from was very kindly taking us the back routes back to paisley (georges) as we couldnt tow on the motorway
so he ran off to get a proper tow rope (yes would have been best getting one to start
so after issue number 1
off we went again:
so finally got back to georges etc. and he finished titchs car. again with a bit more playful banter and rachel keeping her self amused in the car whlst the boys played with cars
back to georges to put the super S on the dolly so i can drag it home. this being around 8pm by now
yup you guessed it.
issue number 2:
the winch cable decided to snap. which decided to flick back towards me. gadly managing to get hand in the way (so have a nice slash on wrist from it hitting me.
finally got it on the dolly etc and strapped it all up as per.
and set of at around 10pm :down:
long day
sets off and after only travelling for roughly an hour, could feel my ewyes starting to get a bit droopy so decided to take a stop at services for a freshner. wash my face etc. and food
back on road half hour later. cpl of pro plus down the throat and away we go.
ne ways. again about an hour later i can start to hear a thud thus thus thus. . OMG what now..
so pulls onto layby expecting a flatty..but no..
sumhow the tyre on the dolly had shed all its treat for roughly 8inches around ( thus the thud) but was still fully inflated and running on rubber.
i was again still feeling tired and decided at this point to find a nice way of sleeping in a micra for an hour. whilst i had a think of what to do etc.
well managed to contact the road supervisors(management of the road etc) ans was advised to carry on off the emergancy lay by to the up coming services. fwn supposedly.
so i travelled on the m8 edinburough bypass to berwick upon tweed a1 heading towards this "services" at around 30mph. engouhg so if the tyre did blow i could handle the car etc.
around 20 mins of driving later . thtissssssssss.. yus tyre deflates dramatically..
so thus flop thud flop. grrr...
issue nu,ber 3.
emergancy lay-by 1/4 mile ahead
so off i went flopping into this laybye.. at this time it was close to 3am. and i was absolutly drained. so decided to sleep for a while in the back of the car 
4am came. and i was rather peeved and the g/f was freezing ( bloody scotland) so i turns the engien over and puts heaters on for her. she had to be at work today so . ll else made my mind up. i went out at 4 am and un hinged the super S and dolly from the car. after draggiung it into the far corner of the lay-by for safety.
and drove the rest of the way home un hinged. leaving the car behind
again took another kip after only half hours aof driving due to the heaters being on full to warm her up was making me more tired. and cos she was trying to sleep[. no music etc.. so we cuddled up in the back for an hour or so. and went kip.
5.30am. i basically decided right. thats it. and whilst she lslept. made no mistake and just hurtled home.
got home 7 am. and managed to go to bed for an hour ( this hour in my bed felt like a week of sleep. so bloody nice) BUT up at 8am to take her to work for 9.30.
gets home after dropping her off at work etc. and sets about looking for another wheel/tyre to fit the dolly so i can get the car home etc ( that being if it was still there when i got back up there)
got a boat trailor wheel to see if it would fit. due to basically EVERYWERE being closed due to the fact it was bank holiday.
loaded toold jack etc into the back of the car. dragged my dad along to drive . so i could get some sleep int he car (which i never got chance to do becujse of the fact he never knew were he was going (even though it one big long road all the way up
ne ways also rang chie to see how he was aswell as see what he was up to.,. AND SO THE "road trip" WAS BACK ON. me chie my dad and chie's missus all set too. ravellign back up to blooming scotty land. after queing in traffic jams fort ages etc blooming holiday trafiic. finally after what seems yonks and LOADS of road i couldnt remember travelling back down :S
but finalyl GLAD to see it still there ( a big issue was i didnt think it would be :S) but it was happily.
so finally got ot it and yeah relief. strech legs and so on.
sety to taking the whell of jacking the dolyl and in turn the car up. took the grease filled wheel of and wayah. the other wheel. NEVER fitgrr
so after 3 things going dramatically wrong and not wanting me to take the car.
wrong bore size
after a few umming and ah-ings. i was getting feed up so got the super Off the dolly stripped the dolly down hoyed it in the back of the suoper S. stole my other battery for a second to get the car started. then put the other battery back on. got all 3 cars going and set to for the services to fill up with petrol. only way possible, and am extremely thankful i took the risk of no tax. as otherwise i would still be out there. home safe and sound without a single issue all the way home. drove liek a dream and pulled well considering it had the dlly in the back.
oops forget to say after filling up the battery wasnt holding charge so defcided to jump the car with the only thing we had to hand. some speaker cable and some 4awg amp power cable worked so off we went
home for 8pm tonight .. not happy bunny and really really tired
after the most horrid of luck the last 2 days the super S is finally home..
i think it just did not wanna leave scotland yesaterday at alll
started off i woke uip at 7am to get things organised trailor board etc and wired up to the white k10!!
finally after getting the dolly hitched up and everything ok got set of at 10 am . bit later than i wanted. but. on route now ne ways..
over all was an easy journey up the car pulling the weight very easy etc. cruidsed along at 50-60mph
made it up to glasgow in 4 1/2 hours plus 2 stoppages (women)
ne ways. got up there, and popped round georges (nicons) who was unfortunatly still having issues with titch's car . so after a few playful bantering etc
had to run to scrappies to get a driveshaft (to which i was astonished aT THE PRICE omg i would have paid about 4 times less down mine
but from there me and titch decided to go get teh super S, as the guy was waiting for me
because the dolly was back at georges etc accupied decided we would pull it. me driving my car and titch steering the super S.
( damn that boy likes to hit the brakes hard) ne ways
though the guy i had just purchased the car from was very kindly taking us the back routes back to paisley (georges) as we couldnt tow on the motorway
so he ran off to get a proper tow rope (yes would have been best getting one to start
so after issue number 1
off we went again:
so finally got back to georges etc. and he finished titchs car. again with a bit more playful banter and rachel keeping her self amused in the car whlst the boys played with cars
back to georges to put the super S on the dolly so i can drag it home. this being around 8pm by now
yup you guessed it.
issue number 2:
the winch cable decided to snap. which decided to flick back towards me. gadly managing to get hand in the way (so have a nice slash on wrist from it hitting me.
finally got it on the dolly etc and strapped it all up as per.
and set of at around 10pm :down:
long day
sets off and after only travelling for roughly an hour, could feel my ewyes starting to get a bit droopy so decided to take a stop at services for a freshner. wash my face etc. and food
back on road half hour later. cpl of pro plus down the throat and away we go.
ne ways. again about an hour later i can start to hear a thud thus thus thus. . OMG what now..
so pulls onto layby expecting a flatty..but no..
sumhow the tyre on the dolly had shed all its treat for roughly 8inches around ( thus the thud) but was still fully inflated and running on rubber.
i was again still feeling tired and decided at this point to find a nice way of sleeping in a micra for an hour. whilst i had a think of what to do etc.
well managed to contact the road supervisors(management of the road etc) ans was advised to carry on off the emergancy lay by to the up coming services. fwn supposedly.
so i travelled on the m8 edinburough bypass to berwick upon tweed a1 heading towards this "services" at around 30mph. engouhg so if the tyre did blow i could handle the car etc.
around 20 mins of driving later . thtissssssssss.. yus tyre deflates dramatically..
so thus flop thud flop. grrr...
issue nu,ber 3.
emergancy lay-by 1/4 mile ahead
4am came. and i was rather peeved and the g/f was freezing ( bloody scotland) so i turns the engien over and puts heaters on for her. she had to be at work today so . ll else made my mind up. i went out at 4 am and un hinged the super S and dolly from the car. after draggiung it into the far corner of the lay-by for safety.
and drove the rest of the way home un hinged. leaving the car behind
again took another kip after only half hours aof driving due to the heaters being on full to warm her up was making me more tired. and cos she was trying to sleep[. no music etc.. so we cuddled up in the back for an hour or so. and went kip.
5.30am. i basically decided right. thats it. and whilst she lslept. made no mistake and just hurtled home.
got home 7 am. and managed to go to bed for an hour ( this hour in my bed felt like a week of sleep. so bloody nice) BUT up at 8am to take her to work for 9.30.
gets home after dropping her off at work etc. and sets about looking for another wheel/tyre to fit the dolly so i can get the car home etc ( that being if it was still there when i got back up there)
got a boat trailor wheel to see if it would fit. due to basically EVERYWERE being closed due to the fact it was bank holiday.
loaded toold jack etc into the back of the car. dragged my dad along to drive . so i could get some sleep int he car (which i never got chance to do becujse of the fact he never knew were he was going (even though it one big long road all the way up
ne ways also rang chie to see how he was aswell as see what he was up to.,. AND SO THE "road trip" WAS BACK ON. me chie my dad and chie's missus all set too. ravellign back up to blooming scotty land. after queing in traffic jams fort ages etc blooming holiday trafiic. finally after what seems yonks and LOADS of road i couldnt remember travelling back down :S
but finalyl GLAD to see it still there ( a big issue was i didnt think it would be :S) but it was happily.
so finally got ot it and yeah relief. strech legs and so on.
sety to taking the whell of jacking the dolyl and in turn the car up. took the grease filled wheel of and wayah. the other wheel. NEVER fitgrr
so after 3 things going dramatically wrong and not wanting me to take the car.
wrong bore size
after a few umming and ah-ings. i was getting feed up so got the super Off the dolly stripped the dolly down hoyed it in the back of the suoper S. stole my other battery for a second to get the car started. then put the other battery back on. got all 3 cars going and set to for the services to fill up with petrol. only way possible, and am extremely thankful i took the risk of no tax. as otherwise i would still be out there. home safe and sound without a single issue all the way home. drove liek a dream and pulled well considering it had the dlly in the back.
oops forget to say after filling up the battery wasnt holding charge so defcided to jump the car with the only thing we had to hand. some speaker cable and some 4awg amp power cable worked so off we went
home for 8pm tonight .. not happy bunny and really really tired