Jonc aka jeannie mo beal
Hi all
well after me saying Jonc was running like a wee dream last week, it decided to throw a wobbly :down: First it was losing power and felt like it was trying to pull back and juddering a little (sorry my descriptions might not be clear :wasntme
Anyway it decided to die on me just as i was comming off a roundabout. After a few mins of letting it idle and heat up shall we say i managed to get it home but it ran like a complete coo :glare:
A few days later it seemed okish wasnt as bad but the pulling back and juddering and cutting out seemed to come and go..
On Monday, hubster got himself another car and it was booked for its MOT so off we went and Jonc drove fine all the way there and back with no problems. Later that day when we had to collect the other car it drove there perfectly fine. I had to go the other way from hubster as had to nip to the shop so he left and went home, leaving his mobile with me in jonc :laugh:
Just as he left Jonc started pulling back juddering and sounded terrible so i thought i'll go to the roundabout turn n come back to the garage, little and behold jonc died right on the roundabout :down: couldnt get it to go, by which time i was freaking as had the kids in the back and it was rush hour :doh:
Thankfully an old man in a white van stopped and pulled me off the roundabout and back to the garage :blush:
Turns out the carburator (sp?) had some dirt so they stripped it down and cleaned it and now Jonc is back to its old self :grinning::grinning:
however i had made up my mind if it was going to cost £100 to fix it would have been going to the carpark in the sky, as was really shaken because couldnt get it to go :blush:
sooo all in all happy days £48 and its all fixed yipeeee
A few days later it seemed okish wasnt as bad but the pulling back and juddering and cutting out seemed to come and go..
On Monday, hubster got himself another car and it was booked for its MOT so off we went and Jonc drove fine all the way there and back with no problems. Later that day when we had to collect the other car it drove there perfectly fine. I had to go the other way from hubster as had to nip to the shop so he left and went home, leaving his mobile with me in jonc :laugh:
Just as he left Jonc started pulling back juddering and sounded terrible so i thought i'll go to the roundabout turn n come back to the garage, little and behold jonc died right on the roundabout :down: couldnt get it to go, by which time i was freaking as had the kids in the back and it was rush hour :doh:
Thankfully an old man in a white van stopped and pulled me off the roundabout and back to the garage :blush:
Turns out the carburator (sp?) had some dirt so they stripped it down and cleaned it and now Jonc is back to its old self :grinning::grinning:
however i had made up my mind if it was going to cost £100 to fix it would have been going to the carpark in the sky, as was really shaken because couldnt get it to go :blush:
sooo all in all happy days £48 and its all fixed yipeeee