K12 Wipers gone *poof*

Well... woke up 3ish hours ago. My sis needed a lift to work in her Micra K12. So I got behind the wheel (insured of course) and away we went. It started raining so I put the wipers on. 20 minutes later, the wipers went down and wouldn't come back up again, even though they were still on.

Anyway, had a listen to it when I got home and the wiper motor sounds like it's working fine. Under further inspection, I removed the VIN cover and had a look underneath and it looks like the connection between the motor and the wipers has come loose.

Now, I can't fit my huge hands inside that gap. How do I go about getting that plastic casing off? Has anyone else encountered the same problem? Does anyone have a Haynes Manual they could photocopy for me?

Thanks in advance,

thats not good... you could goto halfords and read a little like i have done before actually buying a haynes manual :p shame i dont have a k12 could of helped im only down the road! :D
Went to Nissan and they would only sell the complete linkage for £103. So bye bye Nissan Main Dealer....

Came home and had a look on yellow pages. Phoned around and got quotes of between £60 and £90. That's way too much for me aswell...

So decided to do a DIY jobby and managed to, after a cut palm and scraped hand, get a wire between the wiper and the motor and looped it round.

Good News!!! It's Working!!! for Now.. :]

So popped back onto the net and travelled over to eBay. After much searching, I found a reputable breaker who I decided to call up.

I asked the fella for the linkage arm alone and he said £25. I was happy and became happier when he turned around and said that he'd give me the whole linkage (exactly what Nissan Main Dealer were trying to sell me) for the same price. The reason for this is he can then sell the Wiper Motor to the next guy quickly.

So end of day, Perseverance and Stubbornness makes for a heavier wallet :)

thats not good... you could goto halfords and read a little like i have done before actually buying a haynes manual :p shame i dont have a k12 could of helped im only down the road! :D

Yeah mate that would have been awesome :laugh:

I figured out that to take the casing off you need to take the wiperblades off, however, there's clips which allow you to raise the casing instead of remove, which is what I ended up doing :)


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