K12 tailgate not releasing

Hi all, just join as my girlfriend K12 05 1.2sx tailgate is not releasing at all, I've already done some research on it but with not luck. Can anyone suggest the reason for it and can you tell me how can I release the tailgate from inside? Nissan wanna charge about £130+vat but they did say it could be the release button on the boot lid.


hi there if it is not opening it will be the switch, to release it you may have to strip the boot covers off and try ad find a lever i cant remeber if there is one as i work for nissan i would just open it using the computer and replace the switch.
hi there if it is not opening it will be the switch, to release it you may have to strip the boot covers off and try ad find a lever i cant remeber if there is one as i work for nissan i would just open it using the computer and replace the switch.

Thanks matt, When I called nissan they did say they can access though their system but at a cost!!! I just dismantled the tailgate cover from inside, disconnected all wire but I can't seem to find anything to open the boot, I've even taken out the boot release button from the outside still no hope... I guess I may need to pot it down to nissan for a look but I reckon its only the button need replacing.
if you look closley mate there is a white tab behind some clear rubber stuff you will need a small screwdriver and pull it one way or the other wont need lots of force mate after that is open you will need to replace the switch if it is the switch or it could be the wires that come out of the body to the boot could be snapped as it was on my mams car

hey matt do you work at nissan in washington or a dealer mate if so where abouts do you work online im on t3 line 1
thanks jim, I will try that 2moro, checked wire seems fresh and I gonna give my local scappy a call see if they have the button in stock.
I've had similar problem with my boot - intermittent working of the switch. Still I was able to open it and removed the tailgate cover. There are two connectors, one is blue - that is for the button that unlocks the doors and boot, the other one is white - if you disconnect it and put something metal (like a screwdriver) it will pop the boot. That is if your problem is with the button and not with the lock itself.
Thanks vesko, cant find a replacement part from the scappy so I had to shed out £78 for the switch from Nissan. I hope thats the end of the problem...
Picked up the part yesterday, work like treat and problem solved. But my only problem would be the way nissan has designed the car because when removing the button out from the plastic casing I discovered there was no seal at all between boot lid and the plastic casing therefore my suspicion would suggest in the long run water would situated inside the case and slowly seep in the button mechanism. I'm planning to place a plastic seal around to protect the button from failing in the future.
is this car the first facelift that we produced mate as there was quite a lot of common faults with the first set of micras
My mirca was the last batch before the facelift model as it does'nt have the clear indicators, I did check with nissan about recall for model build in 03 and 04 and to see if mine was covererd as it was'nt the facelift model but it showed nothing on the their system.
This is a potential problem for all K12's, and any attempt by Nissan dealers to deny this is nonsense.

The way it works is that the release switch grounds a fairly sensitive input to the Body Control Module. When the switch is released and if the hatch is not locked, the actuator is operated by the BCM. If the hatch is locked, a warning bleep sounds. The problem is that the switch itself is a toy item, the kind of thing you find on a cheap remote control and totally unfit for purpose.

What happens is that the switch suffers from electrical breakdown across the contacts, due either to moisture ingress or just not being up to the job. Initially, this causes the hatch to open or the warning to bleep at random. Once the resistance across the switch remains low enough (thousands of Ohms is enough due to the high resistance input of the BCM) you will not be able to open the hatch. Later cars do not have the emergency release shown in the handbook, so don't waste time looking. You have to fold down the rear seats and pull off the internal panel. Unplugging the small connector to the switch will release the hatch if it is not locked. I have no idea what you are supposed to do if the actuator fails .

Changing the switch assembly takes about 5 minutes, but Nissan charge about £70 for the part. Anyone who has had the car from new if it is less than 5 years old should get a replacement free under the Sale of Goods Act although you will have to convince them that you are prepared to go to the small claims court if necessary.

This ongoing problem proves that the Micra is truly a British design. The Japanese would have fixed it the second time it happened.
2007 K12 Nissan micra bootlock failing
I had the failing tailgate issue where it started locking and unlocking as you drove around.
Replacement part £20 off ebay.
You pull the cover off the tailgate - firm but fair. Go to lock mechanism - on left their is a little faceplate/cover to remove which exposes the release mechanism. Pop a screwdrive in push sideways and it opens. Test the lock by shorting the plug - it will open and shut to show it is fine and it is the switch which needs replacing. Two bolts and a little wiggle it pops out. Stick new mechanism in and off you go. Option to add some beading to prevent future water ingression at this point. Mine failed in mid summer heatwave - so I don't think it was water but others do. Just poor quality.
Have put a little video on youtube - hope this helps

2007 K12 Nissan micra bootlock failing
I had the failing tailgate issue where it started locking and unlocking as you drove around.
Replacement part £20 off ebay.
You pull the cover off the tailgate - firm but fair. Go to lock mechanism - on left their is a little faceplate/cover to remove which exposes the release mechanism. Pop a screwdrive in push sideways and it opens. Test the lock by shorting the plug - it will open and shut to show it is fine and it is the switch which needs replacing. Two bolts and a little wiggle it pops out. Stick new mechanism in and off you go. Option to add some beading to prevent future water ingression at this point. Mine failed in mid summer heatwave - so I don't think it was water but others do. Just poor quality.
Have put a little video on youtube - hope this helps

Wow, someone necro-ing a thread, but actually posting something really useful and informative? Thats a rarity, I'll save this for future reading when mine inevitably fails ?

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