K12 Remote locking nearly gone

Hello Everyone,

This post is my last resort before going to a car electrician.
My car's fob started lose its signal months before, and currently it is in a state I just leave the vehicle open and hope someone steals it, because financially it would be more beneficial.

The actions I did so far:
-Cleaned the circuit of the fob
-Changed battery in the fob
-Changed and resoldered new micro switches into the fob circuit
-Called 2 different locksmiths, and both confirmed the fob is perfect
-The first locksmith even programmed my fob again
-Made and programmed a new fob by a locksmith (although this time car programming was not available, I did also try, without success)
-Disconnected the battery 30 minutes

The central locking button works perfectly, and the door lock sensors as well (no faulty open door red lights on the dash). Additionally the inner lightning comes up synchronized as well.
Fuses are OK, although I did remove them for a while and reinserted.
No faulty codes from OBDII scanner.

Currently the car remote only works if I point the key from the inside of the car to the heating controls in the middle.

Any advice what could be the reason?
For replacement parts, what should I search for?

Hoping in your answer,
Hi, do you get this problem in a certain area such as at home near by other vehicles etc.
My thoughts something blocking or interference of signal.
(Try in an area where less vehicles are and or other items that send signals out)
I'm saying this because sometime I notice I have lack of radio signal and on occasions my key does not lock the vehicle..
When this happens I put the key back in the ignition and..Then turn to position one or might have been two meaning lights on the dash illuminate. When this happen the second key also did not function but this method worked instantly. With no messing around with wires or fuses..
After doing so remove the key and then it does lock.. hope this works for you also it is worth a try if you have not thought of this.
Also you could try to programme a new key but from what you say unlikely to fix the problem however if you can do this it would give you a second try or maybe you already have a spare..
Hi Sparky,

Thanks for the advices.
The issue remains the same at other areas too. Additionally I made and programmed a new key fob yesterday with a locksmith, and it works the same, that I have to press like 50 times, and holding it on the controlling panel.

The locksmith said it has to be the car, I just don't know what thread to follow.

Thank you in advance,

In search bar just key it in and you will find what you are looking for.
I just stumbled across this and have not tried it myself but have heard of a thing called modes.
Good read worth a look.
Keep searching and trying don't give up I'm sure you will solve it soon
Hi Sparkie,

I found some threads for K11 where the BCM unit gone bad.
Also checked the car's troubleshooting manual, where it mentions to change antennas. When I search for remote receiver parts, can't find anything, every hit is about the aerial antenna.

Do you think changing BCM unit resolves the signal receiving?

Thank you in advance,
You could check the pins and clean them with a electrical contact cleaner and see if it makes a difference.
The bcm might be changeable but would certainly have to match identically.
Fitting it however not sure if you could swap one out.
Maybe someone here has more knowledge on this and can shed some light on BCM change.
Hi Sparky,

Thanks for the tips, I'll give it a try with the electrical cleaning. If not works I would just order an aftermarket central locking system (around 12 quids on amazon), and wire it to the current actuators. It may be a little bit silly to have a separate remote and a key, hopefully future buyer would understand the situation.

Thanks again,

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