k12 not starting HEEEEEEELP

ok last night I was driving to my girlfirends and i noticed the car slightly miss fired once or twice whilst driving, no biggy, its cold etc. Didnt think anything of it until today.

This morning when I was leaving went out to the car, started straight away and idled lovely as always. However as I pulled away it drove about 15 feet and cut out. It would turn over but refused to catch.

I then removed the plugs, they were soaked in fuel so cleaned them up and refitted them and tried starting again and no joy. Turns over but doesnt catch and stinks of fuel.

Called out the AA who pulled the code P0171 (lean) but they couldnt do anything as it was cold, dark, late and towed me home.
He seems to think it could be the crank position sensor, can I test this as at all?

Any other things I can check? I know I gotta pull out the plugs again and check for a spark, will just replace them with new ones either way as they are so cheap but wondered if this is a common fault and what else I can examine to find the fault before xmas!
Nissan mechanics... what a bunch of cocks. They are adamant the crank position sensor reads from the timing chain.... um mate, seriously are you thick? It reads from the flywheel which is on the other side of the engine "no sir, it takes the timing from the chain, what you have is chain stretch and need to replace the timing chain".... ####ing idiots. How can you tell me the crank position sensor doesnt go in the gearbox bellhousing and trigger from the flywheel and diagnose my car with chain stretch from the telephone!!! morons.
what they are probably on about is the crank sensor is out of phase with the cam sensor damien (due to the notorious chain stretch problem fwn)
and its likely to go in a split second like it did? it was very sudden, just stalled and now... nothing. it has a good strong spark etc, checked that today. so essentially the timing is out? is there anyway i can check this?
no, you usually get erratic running i think eh damien fwn but there again you dont usually get a "fail to start" with a p0171 tho ?
yeah was looking through the manual trying to find it earlier, if i cant find it tomorrow ill just unplug the fuel pump itself.

I pulled out the crank position sensor and the flywheel appeared to be spotless with no signs of kevlar etc. I may replace the sensor for the sake of £20-£30.

All 4 coilpacks have a good strong spark, so not the coilpacks.

Additionally there is no rattles when the engine drives so no indication of chain rattle etc. even when turning over. i think the next step is easy start lol (i hate using it normally as it doesnt ever prove anything when something is at fault)

Failing that i've decided to go back to having a skyline, something im more used to working on so if anyone wants this for £1300 as is then drop me a pm/email. Ill continue to try and solve the problem but will be a bit more then. taxed and tested till the end of january.
I got told that it could be the throttle body? Anyone had a similar issue? Gonna buy some easy start tomorrow when the shops are open...
right where the #### is the fuel pump fuse lol! gone through the ones under the steering wheel and the ones in the engine bay. Also why the frig are all the motorfactors shut just because its a bank holiday grrrrrr
I had similar problem on 2nd Jan 11, yes same in the morning after i finished my work. car just no start at all. sounds like no enough fuel goes in. try to turn key and push gas at same time for about 1 min, finally started. just do not know what went wrong. so far it is ok, just can not think what will happen.
Damien have you checked the chain tensioner for protrusion? If the plunger is out by more than 10mm its a chain stretch. Sorry about your bad experience with nissan, im a nissan master tech and sadly not all nissan dealers have master techs hence the poor diagnosis. Any probs and your still struggling i can see about popping down to help you out. If it is the chain i would quote #400 all in to fix including fresh oil and filter, new chain and seals.
Best regards ben
unplugging the rear sensor restores normal operation of the front sensor, it switches 0.2-0.8v ok.
hey Damien, have you got the car sorted? I had experience this problem with my Micra k12 1.2 sx last weekend. Had to get the AA to toll me home as the car keeps cutting out with the error code "P1171". My original thoughts was the recall "engine control unit relay" but after the Nissan dealer diagnose the problem they say the "Gasket inlet seal" needs replacing at a cost of £255. I had to get it done by them as the car was a no runner. Picked it up yesterday and the car runs fine but I notice the idle jumps up about 500rmp when I knock it into neutral just before I stop. I called Nissan and they reckon it may be the Timing Chain and I goes its only done 40000miles but he said they have a short life. No help then, so I asked how much? £1200 and he will knock it down to around £900 for me. What a rip off!!!! The car only worth abt £3000 if I'm lucky so I considering changing my car in the next few months if I had to fork out a grand for that.

Hope this will help you mate.

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