k11 starting trouble

Hello! i live in norway but couldnt find a micra or even a real nissan forum in norway, so im trying my luck here!

Im the owner of a 1995 micra k11 with the 1.0 litre engine

For a long time i struggled with it starting when it was cold outside, resultin in me being dependent on jumper cables... so i swapped the battery for a new one, and it started crankimg like a hero, and started fine for about two weeks.

then one day when i was driving home from the nightshift in the morning one day after the car had stood for 8 hours it would just turn and turn and turn but not start... called my dad and he figured in could be condensation in the gastank caused by the weather shifting from minus degrees to pluss degrees over night, so we tried tow starting it and i started after about 50 meters... i drove it up to the petrol station and filled full tank and poured a flast of condensation remover in the tank. Car fired right up and i drove home. Then the car stood from about 9 in the morning til midnight in the driveway and it was time for me to go to work again, ans the car started again without a problem.

When i got of work again the car wouldnt start again and we tried pulling it with a forklift at work, had trouble going fast enough with the forklift so i tried the ignition again and it sounded like it was about to start but then died out again, so we tried one last attempt with the forklift and it started. And worked fine for a week, but today its gone to pluss degrees again and it wont start... ive checked arou d other forums, and tried some of the things they said, like holding the gas pedal to the floor to clear flooding, turned the inition too on, so i can hear the fuelpump in the back, checked the plug wires removed the fuelpump fuse and inserting it and removing the ecu fuse and inserting it but nothing seems to help... it might allso be worth mentioning that i live in the country so the shortest trip this car takes is about 25km( ive read thst micra's dont like short trips)

So in short terms ive got a 1995 k11 1l that only starts when its towed when wet and damp outside and starts all by its self when its cold outside... and im hoping thst someone here can help me ! Thatks alot in advance, and sorry for the long read, but im trying to be detailed :)
Hello, sorry for raking so long to answer, the voltage is 12.38 while the car is turned off... today is a cold day in norway, so the car starts without a problem today :)

A friend of mine thought it might be the spark plugs, so ive bought new one, and ill swap them today... ive read that a common cause for these cars not starting om wet days it that moisture gets in to the distributor cap, but if thats the case with me, wouldnt the car act crazy when i get it started with towing?

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