k11 side exit exhaust

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Ex. Club Member
as above...it bolts to your standard manifold, its had a custom down pipe bent at a 90degree angle and a 3.5" back box (has a bracket, so it bolt ton the inner arch) that exits out the drivers side of the front bumper... sounds loud, gets looks from everyone and anyone.

will recquire the front bumper to be cut...



£40 posted.
do you have any pics of the exhaust top end?

Keep it on the subject of the sale

MSC Admin
this isn't general chat guys, don't post unless you are interested in buying - club rules.

and btw, it's 2" s/s pipework ;)
yes its 2" stainless steel piping with a standard flange welded...i had a closer look, as said in the top of the thread i thought it was a standrad down pipe that had been modified...

chances are it will fail the MOT but i could be wrong as its never been through an MOT.... imo better suited for a turbo application. but still has engough back presurre on NA car.
it was on topic, i was trying to see if this was suitable for my car and was answering a question, one which more than just myself may find the answer of use such as removing the second cat for emisions. how you can get any more on topic than that is beyond me?
can you PM me the specifics as im a little confused as to why its been deleted or edited?
as a member on here for 3 years without having a post edited in more than 2 years i find this a little strange but hey ho back on topic.

i will leave it at that and just say that i would realy like to see what it would be like on my car with the turbo install but i would like to see the top of the exhaust as i stated earlier, so i can see how it fits.
so yes this will pass an mot if you get it hot enough, as i thaught i could go hks manifold, turbo, downpipe elbow to front cat then off the front cat to this pipe.

so basicaly this would get rid of mid pipe, second cat mid section and backbox.....

ultimate in weight saving.
ill have to check my finances.
BUMP i havent heard anything from anyone recently about this..so first person to offer me £50 gets it!!

its all warpped up and just wants an adress banging onit.
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