K11 S Door cards with electric motors


Iggy Iggy oooooooooo
Hi People

A local scrap yard near me has some spare door cards with electric motors/switches etc built in. They where taken out of a 1998 k11 S, Is it possible to fit them into my micra inspiration ? also he is asking for £100 for both inc motors is that a good price ?

If so, then no, he's taking the ####. Also, if you want eletric windows, then you'll have alot of work ahead of you.
hmm i was thinking how much work it would be...might leave it....oh well he has some driving lights for £30 though, me thinks ill be purchasing them
my door cards are sweet atm coz i recovered the material with blue leather, i wanted electric windows but like Titch said its V hard work. Might have a gander this sunday when i take out my dash
£100 for door cards and leccy windows is a lot, i sold mine for £40, should just be a bolt-in job and then wire up the power
is isnt a big job to fit the motors at all, if you have some technical knowledge you should be able to do it, and in doors i've seen the holes to mount everything is already there you just need to fit it all in
ahh, on the none facelift it is, I havnt seen the facelift so didnt no, my appologise

^^notice the new ricardo_Swarez...trying not to get a ban, I now like bunnies and pink flowers...

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