K11 Non Powersteering rack part number?????

Hi all.

Been told by my tame mechanic that my K11 has a worn steering rack, while she can still pass the MOT i want to replace it. However it seems most k11's was fitted with powersteering racks, and of course my K11 is not being a L spec model from 1994.

Has anyone got the part number or able to link me to a non PS rack for a pre-facelift K11? even secondhand would be a use as I could send it off for a refurb, I do not want to remove the one from mine for this as the car is in daily use.

Thanks in advance :D
Got it and home, is in top notch condition, really happy with it, shall be looking into having it fitted in October as I could do with it being in the shop for a few minor things, and afaik my tame mechanic is usually on the lookout for jobs with the run up to Halloween/Bonfire.

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