K11 Arch Liners .... memo to self, take photos next time take apart

Hi again, Stripped out the OSF arch liner a couple of weeks back do some selding and general refurb but didn't note the fixings needed to reassemble. Anyone have any photos of their rebuild or repair that would help those of us less organised! o_O

Also anyone have a NS front liner they'd like to sell? And that plastic panel that sits under the radiator? ... not sure what it's called sorry.

Thanks for your time as always .... have to say MSC is excellent for getting clear, genuinely helpful feedback from folks.
Don't know about the liners buddy, but that panel that sits under the radiator is what causes the cross member to rot.
A real water trap, I just left mine off with no problems at all.....just saying ..your choice.
|You know what Davyboy...I 100% agree......this one was in a state as well and the plate to the left hand side of the rad. You talked me into it, it's staying off.

Also after an hour of perming various arch and bodywork fitments, I got there in the end with the right combo ...so that sorted.

Still after a NS front liner mind if anyone got one. Cheers
I'm hoping to go scrappers next week, they've got a couple in at the moment, I'll see if they still have the liners in them ;)
Is yours a facelift (?)
Is good of you to offer Davyboy but I ordered one on-line last night as we were hitting time pressures to get this thing wrapped up. But appreciate you making the kind offer. K11's getting harder to find in yards now. No our's is a stock 95 original K11. Thanks again
Is good of you to offer Davyboy but I ordered one on-line last night as we were hitting time pressures to get this thing wrapped up. But appreciate you making the kind offer. K11's getting harder to find in yards now. No our's is a stock 95 original K11. Thanks again
OK buddy, I don't think they will have one that old anyway.
Strangely enough new people moved into our area this week and they have a 96 old girl.:D