K11 1.0 '93 Power Steering Conversion??

Hi guys,

I'm very new to this forum and am very impressed with the things being done to these little cars.

The question i need answering is..."Can power steering be fitted to a '93 micra?". I realise most of you are probably thinking, "Why not just buy a car with power steering?". That would be the easy option but the problem is the car belongs to my girlfriend and this particular car was given to her by her late grandfather, so she has a big emotional attachment to it. She does however complain about the lack of power steering..... anyone out there know of a solution? Ive have a quick look but couldnt find anything apart from whispers that its been done.

Thanks for any help!

Yes it can be done, I've retro-fitted it to my car. You will need, reservoir, pump, belt, pipes, rack and bolts etc. Best way to do it is to find one in the scrapyard and get everything off it. Its not easy fitting the rack mind.
How much would all that cost roughly? And how much time and effort is needed? Do bits have to be ground and modified? Or is itjust bolt on parts?

Thanks for your help so far :)

Depends where you buy it from, I got the whole lot for £25 off eBay but most scrapyards would charge over £100. Time and effort really depends on your skill, experience and equipment. I was using a 4 post lift and I have a lots of tools and experience with micras and it took me best part of a day. Parts are bolt on.
No I don't think I did. Its fairly self explanatory when you get into it, just quite fiddly. A haynes manual is always useful.
Yes it can be done, I've retro-fitted it to my car. You will need, reservoir, pump, belt, pipes, rack and bolts etc. Best way to do it is to find one in the scrapyard and get everything off it. Its not easy fitting the rack mind.

the steering column spline between my 1993 non-pas and 1998 pas where different so u should check if the pas rack matches ur non-pas steering column
I did mine without removing the engine, you have to drop the gear linkage and engine brace etc. I had to get a different universal joint for the steering as my kit was from a 1994 and I was fitting it to a 1998.
So would I be better off looking for another '93 K11 with power steering or a later model? What year would you suggest?

Thanks for the feedback so far, I'm really hoping to sort this for her, it would mean!

The lower part of the uni-joint is different between PAS and non-PAS, smaller on the non-PAS, the upper part of the uni-joint has different splines between years of production (1st pre-facelift witout airbag VS 2nd pre-facelift and facelifts).
The pipes that run In front of the radiator, are they piping for the PAS too? Are they needed or can you remove and still have PAS ok?

Is the job of PAS to non-PAS easier? I might remove mine....

The pipes that run In front of the radiator, are they piping for the PAS too? Are they needed or can you remove and still have PAS ok?

Is the job of PAS to non-PAS easier? I might remove mine...

The pipes that run in front of the radiator are a cooler. According to Matt Humphris its not needed though as when your going quick it doesn't need the cooling cause your not steering and when you're manoeuvring there is no air getting to it anyway. It would be about the same amount of effort to remove as its the rack thats the biggest #### of a job.
And the 2000-2002 facelifts dont have the cooler at all. I think i´ve done a non-PAS to PAS conversion in about 3 hours...
The Pas conversion is easier if you get the right belt, as they changed the length of belt a couple of times and I ended up with a shorter one that I spend ages trying to get on lol
Correction, i think that all upper splines are the same, just the lower splines are different between PAS and non-PAS...

1992 Steering column on 2001 uni-joint:


1994 Steering column on 2001 uni-joint:


They both fit nice, same spline size, i assume that later PAS uni-joint for Micras with airbag will fit any other Micra steering column too...
Yes it can be done, I've retro-fitted it to my car. You will need, reservoir, pump, belt, pipes, rack and bolts etc. Best way to do it is to find one in the scrapyard and get everything off it. Its not easy fitting the rack mind.
Hello... hope you're well.
I'm new to the forum... just literally today bought my first ever Micra... just driven it back from London... soooo happy with it ?
But... me being me... I didn't even think about power steering... which mine doesn't have.
So I'd like to fix that.. could you please tell me what to look for as far as the correct rack etc... which rack will fit ... which cars...
Or is it it literally a case of getting a power steering rack from the exact same year (97)... the same engine size etc ?
Any help or advice will be very much appreciated.
Thank you
And the 2000-2002 facelifts dont have the cooler at all. I think i´ve done a non-PAS to PAS conversion in about 3 hours...
Hello... I've asked a couple of people this question but I was wondering if you could add your experience...
I have a 1L 1997 micra and I'd like to fit a power steering rack etc...
I think you have basically answered this question but I'd just like to clarify for my tiny brain... which cars can I take a pas rack from ?
And is it an easier job if I get a rack from a particular year... as in the same year as mine.
Hello... I've asked a couple of people this question but I was wondering if you could add your experience...
I have a 1L 1997 micra and I'd like to fit a power steering rack etc...
I think you have basically answered this question but I'd just like to clarify for my tiny brain... which cars can I take a pas rack from ?
And is it an easier job if I get a rack from a particular year... as in the same year as mine.
Here is guide. Though Its from the land of kangaroos and Castlemaine four-ex ?It will give you info on what you need and the work involved.

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