Been on the forum a while now and though I might as well start a build thread.
The car that ive got is a red 97 that I picked up for 200 pound off a friend, the car didn't have tax or test and has been off the road for about a year but still drives fine, paintwork needs a bit of a correction but gonna get it professionally machine polished.
There is two bits rust a tiny hole on the sill and the lower front cross member which I'm going to replace.
Anyway I'll stop rambling and put a crappy picture of the car up
So got the car back took the front bumper off to access the front cross member and found out the front lights were both broken and so was the grill, so nipped down to a local scrappy which just happened to have a march in so nabbed the front lights,rear lights,grill,plastic can cover and boot and petrol popper
only this is someone took the latch that goes in the boot
so if anyone has one hit me up thanks.
Picture of the lights
That's all for now all comments are welcome
The car that ive got is a red 97 that I picked up for 200 pound off a friend, the car didn't have tax or test and has been off the road for about a year but still drives fine, paintwork needs a bit of a correction but gonna get it professionally machine polished.
There is two bits rust a tiny hole on the sill and the lower front cross member which I'm going to replace.
Anyway I'll stop rambling and put a crappy picture of the car up
So got the car back took the front bumper off to access the front cross member and found out the front lights were both broken and so was the grill, so nipped down to a local scrappy which just happened to have a march in so nabbed the front lights,rear lights,grill,plastic can cover and boot and petrol popper
Picture of the lights
That's all for now all comments are welcome