K10 lowering spring options with 13in wheels and high profile tyres...

But I have very high profile tyres, are you sure about the 40mm?

Also what will this do to the ride?

I have -35mm springs on my K10 with standard 13" wheels and tyres, the handling is much improved. The ride is slightly harsher but not to bad.
I did a guide for fitteing the springs which is in the guides section.
Watch out for wide tyres though. 175s should be fine but my new 185s rub on the edges of the inner arch on 13in wheels. Not sure if this is the width of the tyre or the offset on the alloys as I don't know the offset!

Other than that there's plenty of space in the arches past what you can see from the sides.
what about with 5 passengers? also I think my tyres are 185? Anyone know where to get 30mm springs? thanks
i've had 5 passengers in mine plus 3 bikes on the back, a tent+camping gear and loads of beer in the boot and i got no rubbing (on 185's) :D
The only major issue you'l have is width of the tyres but i think it'l look great on 40mm - not much difference between 35 and 40 anyway!

I've got 185/55/14's on 35 springs and even with me in the car, they do rub at times - and thats with the arches rolled!!
I have 175/70/ R13 Tyres on Nissan K11 alloys, they are quite wide. Is this ok for both 35mm and 40mm lowering without arch mods I presume?

Thanks for all you advice so far guys!

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