K10 help ( stretch bolts )


Ex. Club Member
Hey folks, cars going to a good mate of mines on friday too get everything finished off, he said get a new timing belt etc etc to renew everything, wich ive done, he also said get new stretch bolts for the new head im putting on, can anyone point me in the direction off where to get these and what they are exactly? Many cheers, Graeme.

i take it he means the headbolts. people say thay stretch after use but i,ve never replaced headbolts, ever
ahh ima jst order some new ones tomorow, makes life alot easyer for the guy thats doing it plus i cant see them being too expensive, less hassell.
on the old cvh engines thy used stretch bolts i.e. they stretch when you tighten them up, and your supposed to replace them, but in the micra engine they dont stretch and dont need replacing.

hope this helps
What are Stretch Bolts ??

As I'm replacing my headgasket I thought they were something to do with using longer/stretchable bolts, as when head is skimmed, old bolts are no longer suitable.

Am I completely wrong ??
stretch bolts do what they say on the tin...stretch!
Did a renault headgasket before with them, it just means when you tighten the head bolts up you have to do to a certain torque then a certain amount of degrees turn.

Your headbolts will be fine on a micra mate.