k10 front fog lights


Ex. Club Member
hi, id like someone to draw me out a wiring diagram if i were to install front fog lights. well actually, ive installed them and haven't a clue how to get them to work. The Haynes gives diagrams for the sidelights and headlights, but no main beam (i want them to work with the main beam), unless someone is kind enough to draw me out a diagram for a complete wire-in from a switch :)
By main beam you mean full/high beam right? You want page 14.32.
The sockets that plug onto your headlight bulbs have three wires including the black (common earth); normal beam is the red/blue wire (passenger side) red/green wire (drivers side), high (full) beam is the red/yellow wire (same on both sides).
Just splice into the wire you want, so if you want the foggys to come one when you flash i.e full beam then connect the + wire on the foggys to the red/yellow wires at each headlamp and give them thier own earths. No switch required.
just a note, you have to take the signal off the drivers side as it causes trouble if you take it off the passanger side, (i think may be the other way around)
right, i did it. the wiring was infact the other way around. wiring as stated above causes fogs to come on with driving lights. red with a colour was the high beam on either side. red/yellow is for the driving lights. the fogs now work with the high beams and flash,
little picture ;


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thats the one, i know it couldnt be done both sides, lol.

looks good mate, very good,

dam i left my yellow bulbs in the lights.
forward facing bulbs should be white, but i imported some yellow bulbs from the states, and as it happens ive left them in the lights i sold you.
i used grill mesh with fiberglass, haven't got any pictures of the brackets, but when the weather clears up ill stick the camera behind the grill and show you.... had a problem at driving on the motorway with the lights in place so used double sided tape to secure them to the bumper for more support. here's some more pics in random order


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the wiring was infact the other way around. wiring as stated above causes fogs to come on with driving lights. red with a colour was the high beam on either side. red/yellow is for the driving lights.

Yep i just realised that i gave you the wiring colours for the super s (92) which has a different dim-dip box to the pre 1990 models. Doesn't matter, all ended well anyway lol.
You've done a good job dude, i see you fitted scotts interior, glad it didn't go to waste. He likes to chuck stuff out don't you know :laugh:
Good job with the paint too it looks smart, i hope you got the rear bumper to go with it?
yup, i got the back bumper too :)
right pictures of the brackets and wiring (not very good btw)


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right, same lights, new problem!
side lights - work fine
main beam - works fine
main beam + high beam (fogs also) = left main beam fine, both fog lights fine, right light completely off.

anyone care to help? they've been wired up identically on both sides so why should one work and not the other?
I know it sounds obvious but check the bulb first, they use two seperate filliments for main and high beam and they do pop independantly without affecting the other. So your high beam filliment may be popped but not the main one. Since you have introduced two additional bulbs to the circuit that may have played a part, you know how the saying goes about not mixing old bulbs with new/newer bulbs. Just check that before doing anything with the wiring.
Hmmm... and your fuses are alright? i had this same problem on the super s and it was just a loose fuse.
If those are alright then it might be worth pulling out the haynes and looking at the wiring diagram for your particular dim-dip model (there were two types used, you can't mistake them though coz one has more pins on it's connectors than the other). Double check that the wires you fitted are alright and by that i mean that if you used a ford type splicer (plastic thing with a little metal bridge you push down) that it didn't acctually chop right through the wire (i've done that myself).
If all else fails then wire it up to the dim-dip box side of things.
Hi!If you ask me it is not right to connect the fog lights directly to the high beam lights because you may burn the electrical instalation of the car.The consumption of the high beam is 60W on 13V this is 4.6Ampers.If you connect the fog lights this means maybe 55W more which means 4.2Ampers extra.Compile this means 9Ampers this may burn the Fuse of the lights or the electrical wireing.The problem with the light not working may be with bad GROUND in the original wire of the light.You have to connect a separate fog light relay.


This is a realy schematic drawing of how it has to look.