Ex. Club Member
Just got back from Mc'D's Bridgewater, home of boy racers, for my midnight burger... Seen a done up almera, 100 ####y fiesta's, a astra that sounded like it had a cork up its arse, a corsa that had wheels bigger than my car in total, ans nova that had a kit to make it look like microwave...I took a picture of the Nova below:
But the main reason im posting this aint to describe my night out, but to tell you about the micra that wheelspined upto traffic lights, and thought it was kool to handbrake on every corner, and even have the cheak to taunt as us at lights... (even tho we did whoop his arse...)
And then when its all over...We bump into mr nova again...Who thought his car was a ferrari...but to others was just another microwave, no offence to people's on his forum who like spending all the money on tyres for carparks... but i've just about had it with people wanting to race every car they see when i get home from work etc... I dont even bother trying anymore...

But the main reason im posting this aint to describe my night out, but to tell you about the micra that wheelspined upto traffic lights, and thought it was kool to handbrake on every corner, and even have the cheak to taunt as us at lights... (even tho we did whoop his arse...)
And then when its all over...We bump into mr nova again...Who thought his car was a ferrari...but to others was just another microwave, no offence to people's on his forum who like spending all the money on tyres for carparks... but i've just about had it with people wanting to race every car they see when i get home from work etc... I dont even bother trying anymore...