Ex. Club Member
lookin for jobs over at NMUK sunderland, i cam across this, didnt know how big the battle was to have the K12 built here on wearside but luckily, we won and we even make em better than the japs lol
Linky:- http://www.thisisthenortheast.co.uk/the_north_east/news/campaigns/micra/pages/260101_3.html
on this note, any one in north east know how i can go about gettin into nissan, really really wanna a job there!
Linky:- http://www.thisisthenortheast.co.uk/the_north_east/news/campaigns/micra/pages/260101_3.html
on this note, any one in north east know how i can go about gettin into nissan, really really wanna a job there!