Installing Nos on carb engines


Ex. Club Member
Hi guys i was wondering if anyone can provide me with details of how nos is installed into carb engines i understand there is a plate fitted to the carb to inject the nos but id like to know more about it as id like to install it myself to learn more about it of course it will be setup by pro's but id like to do the install myself :) hope someone can help me :D

also if anyone has pictures of nos in carb engines that would be great :) i.e nova's etc
On a K10 you would drill holes in the inlet manifold just below where the carb mounts on to.
i take it you mean the plate that sits on top of the inlet manifold and below the carb. i think i understand now thanks ed ;)
I probably would try to put it direcl into the manifold but below that.. Not on that plate you talk about obv not having a kit to see how it fits doesnt help.

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