T Tad17 Feb 7, 2009 #1 ryt guys im new, ive got a corsa c, but looking to get a micra k12 as its cheaper to run and cheaper insurance. has ne1 have gone euro with their micra as that is wat i will do wen i get one. pictures please!
ryt guys im new, ive got a corsa c, but looking to get a micra k12 as its cheaper to run and cheaper insurance. has ne1 have gone euro with their micra as that is wat i will do wen i get one. pictures please!
jim_bling Ex. Club Member Feb 7, 2009 #2 welcome to the wonderful world that is micra mate enjoy your stay and try not to use text speak mate as some people cant read it
welcome to the wonderful world that is micra mate enjoy your stay and try not to use text speak mate as some people cant read it