ignition barrel for micra 1997 (R reg)

hi everyone,

The spring in the ignition barrell has become faulty in my car. I decided to go to a scrap yard and get a new barrell along with the black electrical connection where the spring is. I removed this black connector on the back of the barrel i purchase and put it onto my original barrel.
Problem is my car will not start.
Im quite sure it is to do with a chip in my key.
Can somebody pls advise what i have forgotten to do, or have done wrong?

i just removed the connector on the back of the barrell, removed the black body in which the spring is and put the new black part back onto my barrel, then put the electrical connection back on,

However, initial it started for about 2 seconds then just cut out
i just removed the connector on the back of the barrell, removed the black body in which the spring is and put the new black part back onto my barrel, then put the electrical connection back on,

However, initial it started for about 2 seconds then just cut out

hmm, might be a nats problem eh, (running on the residual fuel pressure for 2 secs).
can you hear the fuelpump running ?
Don't count me on this but I think those bits at the back of the barrel arnt interchangeable because pretty sure there 'married' to that particular car if you get me mate
Don't count me on this but I think those bits at the back of the barrel arnt interchangeable because pretty sure there 'married' to that particular car if you get me mate

nope the ignition switch (black plastic bit at the back of the barrel where the wires go in) is just a generic switch. the pickup ring around the barrel at the other end is the nats RFID coil that picks up the chip in the key (the little red bit in the end of the key) the coil is different betwen different versions of NATS, but if it wasn't changed then it should all work fine. the only other part of the system that is coded to NATS is the ECU, if the coil and the ECU are exactly the same then it should be fine.

i would check the wires to make sure you haven't knocked anything out or damaged the wires, thats what it will be i think. otherwise its fuse and relay checking time!
i would have thought that the pickup ring is generic too, i think the main dealers can cut you a key with a different chip and then recode the ecu to the new chip :)
hi all,

problem solved, car decided to start today, im using my orignal key, but i changed the ignition switch on the back of the barrel only.
I found out the receiver in under the barrel.

thanks all
i would have thought that the pickup ring is generic too, i think the main dealers can cut you a key with a different chip and then recode the ecu to the new chip :)

true, but they changed the number of wires in the different versions of nats. so the prefacelift micras have one system, and the facelifts have a different system...

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