if my k11 fails its MOT...


..who would want wat? and wbhat you want to pay collect?

if it fails badly im gonna sell it on for parts and buy another so anyone selling a micra? and what parts you want collected?
well more info might help mate like what mods have you done to it what car is it we know its a micra but is it a 1.0 or 1.3 how many miles etc this will help loads mate
the 1.3 is alot more for me but when i get my 1st years noclaims its cheaper to get a 1.3 then 1.0 :) so ill get a 1.3 and leave it on the drive
The weird and wonderful world of insurance. I've had quotes where it's cheaper for me to insure a 1.3 fully comp, then it is for a 1.0 TPFT
I won't tell you how much my insurance is, you'll all hate me for it :p :D (The only advantage to being a bit long in the tooth I can think of) ... and yes, my quote for TPFT was actually MORE than fully comp :confused:

It's still a bloody rip-off though.
