I done the good thing.

Ok this is what happened i was driving in country lanes following a silver vauxhall vectra and he was swerving and clipped the curb a few times and swerving towards on coming traffic, like going over the live like the fall width of his tire it mite not sound much but when you are on country lanes/roads you havent got much room either side.so i was following him for about 10 mins we was going round a left hand bend and he just stamped on the brakes and (dont worry its not another micra off the road lol) i stopped in time, and i thought no thats enough cos this guy is going to cause a accident and it could involve me and i am not up for that, so we then went right on a
round-about on to a nice straight road which you cant turn off so i rung the police and gave them the road, the reg and all that. So i think i did the right thing even if he hasent been drinking, but after i felt quite good about myself knowing that i could have like stopped and accident or worst of all someone being killed.

You did the right thing mate. The less drink drivers on the road the better. Hope he gets caught, and well done for ringing the police. :)
:eek: Ian...I'l have you know Im a good driver I may put my lipgloss on in the mirror but I can multitask and am concentrating on the road the whole time I never swerve......much
Gemma85 said:
:eek: Ian...I'l have you know Im a good driver I may put my lipgloss on in the mirror but I can multitask and am concentrating on the road the whole time I never swerve......much

lol yeah im a lad and i can still drive around country lanes whilst licking mcflurry off my leg, that i had previously spilt... ;)
kinda lifted my leg abit and stuck me head down, and jus told my gf (whose now my ex-gf) to tell me if i was about to go in a bush... or something like that :upside:
rlees85 said:
kinda lifted my leg abit and stuck me head down, and jus told my gf (whose now my ex-gf) to tell me if i was about to go in a bush... or something like that :upside:

Was the steering wheel not in the way... Have you got a long tongue??
nah i guess im just flexible and i drive with my seat right back or the steering wheel rubs on my knees :/ ... lol and i think it was more likely to be an OAP then a woman, i think back in 'their' day (when it was horse and carts) they didnt have traffic going in two directions on the same road ;)
yep i was overtaking one once on some country lanes, and as i was going around them they decided to pull into the other side of the road, fort it was going to die, had to go home n change me pants after... (jks for those literal ppl) lol!

whats so un beleiveable about being able to lick ya leg?!
I dont know actually iv just tried it and licked mine lol i suppose licking mcflurry off will be harder (sorry for going a little off subject but this was interesting :) )
i definatly feel going off topic on this occasion was for a good cause! ;)

but on topic i agree you did the right thing tho grant if they were driving as badly as you described.

im going bed now neway so good night!:sleepy:
i got a £30 on the spot fine when i had my micra for drinking out of a mcdonalds cup whilst driving..its shockin but people who smoke dont get fines - police are edited at times
Keep it clean, on topic etc!

Good call tho Grant, think you did the right thing.
Big_ben said:
i got a £30 on the spot fine when i had my micra for drinking out of a mcdonalds cup whilst driving..its shockin but people who smoke dont get fines - police are edited at times

yer wasnt there a woman that got arrested or eating an apple in her car it traffic lights, i swear there was.
Big_ben said:
i got a £30 on the spot fine when i had my micra for drinking out of a mcdonalds cup whilst driving..its shockin but people who smoke dont get fines - police are edited at times

To get this somewhat back on topic, I agree with this completely. If you can't drink then you shouldn't be able to smoke in a car whilst driving either in my opinion. :)
mean micra said:
edited out:sorry layla family forum...
lmao i read it before it was edited ;)

i dont really see the problem with eating n driving, or smoking and driving for those who smoke (not me), but if a person drives like a spanner becuase of it then of course they shouldnt do it, kind of like using their own personal judgement.

if anyone gets that..o_O
I hate smokers.i cant stand it! i think smoking,drinking and phones should be banned, yes i admit i use my phone when im driving but only on hands free.i took pic the other day of plod using his mob whilst driving a plod car! good pics too!!

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