Hi, just purchased a 1996 P Reg Micra 1.0 16v for a cheap run about after i crashed my saxo 
WHne i purchased the car it had no radio or cage fitted just the ariel cable and the wires that go into your headunit. But the plug had been cut so im just left with aload of wires. I went down to Motor World and expained and they gave me a male ISO (i think) with bare wires on the other end as to wire upto the wires in my car. The main problem is that the colours do not match ! ive seeked forums for hours now and noticed loads have this problem but with the plug but sadly mine is cut
so i dont have a clue what goes where except a black one which is longer which i guess is the earth and will i then need any additional earthing? please help as im driving to work with no music and a cranky old engine noise.
WHne i purchased the car it had no radio or cage fitted just the ariel cable and the wires that go into your headunit. But the plug had been cut so im just left with aload of wires. I went down to Motor World and expained and they gave me a male ISO (i think) with bare wires on the other end as to wire upto the wires in my car. The main problem is that the colours do not match ! ive seeked forums for hours now and noticed loads have this problem but with the plug but sadly mine is cut