How do I Remove the Radiator

Changing the rad on my mums 02 micra this week, had a quick look, do I need to remove the top crossbar thing and then the rad will just pull out?
revove all the piping mate and then the top slam pannel then it will just pull out of the rubber bungs that alowe the radiator to move about so when you put the new one back in make sure they are bk in the new radiator
Does the slam panel just unbolt and remove or are there any welds/gunk holding it on?

just a little bit of sillicone stuff iirc craig and its only 4 bolts will be doing mine soon as mine leaks will do a guide for it
just a little bit of sillicone stuff iirc craig and its only 4 bolts will be doing mine soon as mine leaks will do a guide for it

4 bolts on the top pannel, scrape the gunk off then two nuts below the bonnet catch and two nuts behind that hold the support in place on the left of rad. Undo the pipes and out it comes, 10 minutes tops (Y)

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