How do I keep cool? No Air Con :-(


Ex. Club Member
Are there any other ways? I have the thermo turned down to min and air on re-circ... but the fan is still pumping out hot air... is there no other way of adjusting the set up so the air can be cooler or colder?

Get a fridge and open it up, sit in it.
You can get 12v plug in car cooler units but I don't think it's worth it.
Also having it on re-circ isn't as cool as fresh air feed.
Open the windows.

It still pumps out warm air as the dash heats up in the sun, causing the air ventilation pipes behind it to also heat up = warm/hot air.
haha @ drive naked - yeh with an ice pack...
the nissan manual isnt really helpful... other manuals suggest the quickest way to heat the car, demist etc. oh well... will just roll down windows i guess... until the se+ is ready.. that has air con..

would it be worth setting air to foot-wells? as hot air rises and cool air sinks?

Im going to experiment and buy one of those reflective fold outs for the windscreen to keep the interior cool... their suppose to prevent sun damage etc.
Open all windows, wear as little as possible, drive as fast as possible (within uk road limits of course)

Alternatively, stay in an air conditioned room!
get a water cooling system for a computer

and stick the heatsync on ya nuts.

or your nipples, whatever floats your boat.

cut the roof off of your car.

cant think of many more

get a water cooling system for a computer

and stick the heatsync on ya nuts.

or your nipples, whatever floats your boat.

cut the roof off of your car.

cant think of many more



YOu could:
Fit Aircon
Buy a new car with aircon
Suffer whilst I drive with aircon
Drink alcohol, it lowers your blood temp, of course it is illegal...


or lowering Blood temp?

... lol..

... YOU.. are in no fit state to drive!, your Blood temp is to low...

Ooh Oooh!!.. OR!.

.. i was werely trying to lower my blush temps officher!
LOL at some of the replies here. I'd personally go with sticking your head out the window whilst driving :p or fit air con! Was in Ems's k11 yesterday and it was lovely and cool!

Another thing, on my K10, i find having the drivers side window open doesnt have much effect, but if i open the passenger one aswell, you can really feel a draft!!

You can also buy 12V fans for cars

Get some magicool spray too
If you get a compuer heat sink and fan and connect that to the air intake on the fan you will get cooler air.
Get an airduster can spray and hold it upsidedown while you use it. It's like Liquid Nitrogen LOL!!!
Motorbikes aren't cool if your decent enough to wear protective clothing!! :p

Arnold and I saw some young lad racing down the M25 yesterday in just a t-shirt and shorts. Death wish if you ask me! (he had a helmet and trainers on obv!)
IDIOT!!! I'd never get on a bike without a proper jacket and boots. My company sells jackets which are relatively cool but tough, although they aren't official bike jackets
No matter how hot it is i wear ALL my leathers, and when you get all hot and swaety they colour runs in the leather onto your skin, but it is worse than a car.

Actually I rode a bike once just wearing a pair of shorts, but it was only a 125 and was very cool, not worth the risk though.
lmao at some of the suggestions... weld doors... airduster... haha...

i asked one of my engineering mates to think of something for me..

cheers tash... a work colleague was telling me about that seat cooler thing... he reckons it works... im going to try it out tomorrow... and if its good i'll get one.

nb. on radio today they said that hot weather lowers the soldier count for men - too much heat aint good for the family jewels.
Very true, that's why laptops aren't very good for you either, and cycling! :p
on radio today they said that hot weather lowers the soldier count for men - too much heat aint good for the family jewels.

that doesn't really matter for some people..............
*Leather Jacket
*White t-shirt
*Blue Jeans
*Slick ya hair back
*and quote the phrase "Hey" with two thumbs up every 5 mins while looking in the rear view at yourself...

the Fonze method of keeping COOL... Hey... ;)