
» CMF Member
Member since:
It will be good to hear how it goes I am definately interested.

I have a question on the subject, once you've got that top bolt off do you need a special tool to get the original wheel off or just a serious yoinking method?



» CMF Member
Member since:
Les from Wheelspin phoned me today to advised the item had just been handed over to Australian Air Express. And he gave me the consignment number, it should arrive tomorrow.

Great customer service and speedy delivery.


» CMF Member
Member since:
Awesome. I got the pickup receipt today, so collecting it tomorrow. Awesome speedy delivery.


» CMF Member
Member since:
All installed now.

Yeehah blinkers definately work perfectly.

The quality all over the whole thing is awesome compared to the crapola one I had in there before.

Plus its made in Saitama, Japan. Which is the same prefecture that Mulholland lives in! Cool.

Very happy.


» CMF Member
Member since:
I ordered one yesterday and it has already been packaged up and sent. I should get it today via Aus Air Express

Wow I can put my steering wheel on it and yeah..thats it..i don't have a car to put it on just yet! Awesome!


» CMF Member
Member since:
Hey cisco..

with the little pins that you have to insert into the boss kit for the indicators, where they aligned at 12 oclock and 6oclock?

my autotechnica one was the 90degrees the 9 and 3 oclock


» CMF Member
Member since:
Yeah I noticed that aswell evade.

But it works fine once installed. :) Freaked me out for a bit until I installed it too heh.

CMF_Ghetto Micra

» CMF Member
Member since:
I just bought a new HKB boss from wheelspin today.. fitted it, and the blinkers do not turn off, doh.

I'm thinking I put the two pins into the boss too far or something.. didnt have time to fix it (did it all in lunch break) so will take another look when I get home. probably just have to ease them out a bit with some pliers (to get more length or something)

it's so nice driving with the momo wheel again *sigh* hehe



» CMF Member
Member since:
Yep I reckon you're right James. Must have put the things in too far. I wasn't really sure how far to put them in when I did mine - just lucky.


CMF_Ghetto Micra

» CMF Member
Member since:
okay, I figured it out..

when I just "whacked it on" real quick.. then drove back to work... I did the steering column nut up just pretty much finger tight... (and planned to tighten it fully later that evening)

It turn's out, that you need to tighten it right up to pull the steering boss right onto the spline... then the little pins in the boss work with the indicators fine.

sorted mine out, no problemo. common sense :)



» CMF Member
Member since:
Did anyone ever check the part number of the right HKB boss kit?.

When I started looking at the general site recommendations about what boss kits you can use, it got confusing fast, cause S13/N14/N15 brings up something like 4 different HKB part numbers.

In the HKB catalog only the N14 seems to like up with the Micra, with part number ON-125?, the other models bring up ON-07/ON-115/ON-203 and even more part number come up looking at the sub models.

Edit: Oh and I ask in part cause that original site no longer exists, and I went to buy steering wheel (mine is seriously stuffed), only to be told the original boss that would come with it would not work the blinker cancel, so now I'm just trying to find the right model so I can keep that feature working.

Err, and while I'm opening an old thread, can anyone comment on the depth you get with an aftermarket wheel and boss?, I'm trying to get my wheel closer to me, stock is a little far away for my comfort.


» CMF Member
Member since:
I used the ON-125 HKB boss kit to fit a Nardi Deep Corn to my '95 LX recently. Wheel fit with no issues, and it is slightly closer to to me, perhaps 30-40mm. But this Nardi wheel is dished so with a flat steering wheel I imagine the wheel would be about as far away as stock , maybe further.

Horn works but my indicator cancel function doesn't work but from reading above it seems like I didn't install some part at I was meant to. I will have to pull the wheel off this weekend and have another look.

Pic for reference:



» CMF Member
Member since:
That wheel looks good in your Micra (I like it), I maybe want some of that sort of reach on mine, although maybe not so much, I'm thinking of buying a regular wheel, then maybe a spacer block or two if I need it.

But I do suspect I'll need a spacer block if the reach is not better than stock, as stock I have long legs and a short torso, meaning I need my seat back a fair way for my legs to feel right and not cramp, but wheel and stick is at my far reach which is not ideal for control.


» CMF Member
Member since:
chargeR WROTE:

"Horn works but my indicator cancel function doesn't work but from reading above it seems like I didn't install some part at I was meant to. I will have to pull the wheel off this weekend and have another look.

Hah, worked out the other way for me - when I did mine I couldn't be bothered wiring up the horn (it's a track car afterall :p) but the pins you need to install to get the self-cancelling working work a treat.

Anything for those PBs eh..

Edit: Bishop, it looks deep, but given what you've said, I'd say it could suit your driving position well. The only issue I have with a similarly deep-dish wheel in my LX is the lack of height-adjustment but it's not a massive issue at this stage even with an extremely low fixed-back bucket.



» CMF Member
Member since:
Oh and thanks for the part number confirmation chargeR, I was in contact with a seller on ebay who first told me their boss kits were generic, and had no indicate cancel, then told me they could order the proper ones, but then also said I needed to be sure of the part number and they could not return once ordered.

Only problem with a race style full dish wheel, is it could be a cop magnet, but I guess if it gives me the reach I need.

If someone could please measure the reach of the boss that would be handy?, may give me an idea of what sort of reach wheel I'd then need.