High Mounted Stop Light



My high mounted stop light no longer lights up.
Does anybody know what the problem might be?
I've checked in the Nissan manual and there's no mention of it other than telling you what it is.
I've also looked in the fusebox to see if any fuses are blown and there isn't.
I can't find a specifit fuse for it, so I checked them all and all the fuses are fine.

seems daft but have you checked the bulb

i'm a complete novice but i was under the impression that it was a series of led's, and i thought led's last pretty much forever.
so i should unscrew the brake light from the back window and see if it has normals bulbs that need replacing?
they are infact leds on the 2000-2003 micra. check that there is power to the connection when brakes are pressed. possibly a break in the wire harness, if so then it will most probably be at the boot hinge ( rubber grommet next to hinge). remove complete harness from boot (easy job) and check continuity with a multi meter. replace/ repair wires if needed.

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