
» CMF Member
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Hey guys,

I have just signed up, I have been looking at the site for a few days now.

I came across this site on google. The reason I was looking at micra stuff is because I brought a micra from work.

I work at a holden and nissan dealership as its a joint dealership in a small country town. I'm a technician there. This little 95 lx micra got traded in, and I have been thinking about it.... The car has been sitting there doing nothing and they were going to send it to the wreckers. So I said to the boss, what you want for the little micra? I ended up buying it for a bargain!!!

So anyways, Its a little rough but im not complaining for the price I paid :)

Here is a couple of pics.





» CMF Member
Member since:
One thing I found in the articles was that you can upgrade the front brakes to n14 pulsar brakes.

Quick question regarding that, Are the n14 calipers the same as n15 etc

Also with the emanage ecu system, What one is the best to use, blue or the ultimate? I had an emanage blue awhile ago and wish I had of kept it.


» CMF Member
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kovert.k11 WROTE:

"95Micra WROTE:

"Was thinking of going bigger rims like 18's as I can't put on a turbo yet. When I turbo the beast I will put some smaller rims back on her."</div>

lmao... do it bro... monster truck-spec micra ftw

I was thinking more along the lines of big rims, flat on its guts. New paint job, dark tinted windows, Maybe a bodykit


» CMF Member
Member since:

"95Micra WROTE:

"Haha thanks tinky. What rims you got Mimz and how much? Was thinking of going bigger rims like 18's as I can't put on a turbo yet. When I turbo the beast I will put some smaller rims back on her."</div>

Im after $600 for the 15" they got basically new tyres on them. This is how they would look on you micra...

<a href="" title="" target="_blank"></a>

Thanks but no thanks man.


» CMF Member
Member since:
I reckon ninja is safer during the day, cops will pull you over at 2am in the morning regardless of what car your in just to see what your doing.