derfaus WROTE:
sportsclassic WROTE:<BR><BR>"
derfaus WROTE:<BR><BR><BR><BR>"Hi Guys I am in need of a wiring harness for a 3 door 95a I am in Newcastle. A wrecker here has one but he wants an arm and a leg for it. I like the Micra is goes well, but if I can't get a harness at a fair price I may have to get myself something else<BR><BR>Oh ye it is a manual. Anyone who can point me in the right direction???"</DIV><BR><BR><BR><BR>how much of the wiring harness do you need?? engine, body etc..<BR><BR>I should have one."</DIV><BR><BR>Mate your a dead set life saver, I need the area in the body, wiring is burnt to bare wire from the switch near the break and I have no idea how far in it goes. But has been an issue for a while it burnt itself out fully yesterday when i change fuses.<BR><BR>You can email to to make the necessary arrangements.<BR><BR>Thanks again<BR><BR>