
I need help lol. Micra won't start, pretty sure it's just not getting a spark - now it is cold and damp but I think it's ecu related.

At the weekend I relocated the head unit into the lower console (above the ECU) so I've unbolted the ECU and moved it further back to make some space. However, it's been running since. Can't think what it would be, please help!!
When you say not starting are you getting the engine turning over? starter motor is engaging and turning over the engine?
Without any word a lie i can't tell you, because it's just started again. No idea what has caused it, nothing. :\ Worried now because i've taken the day off and don't fancy this hassle tomorrow again!! Any ideas on what it MIGHT of been?
without the questions answered above I cannot start thinking of what it would be. need to start somewhere, could of flooded, could of been anything!
I know, crazy like. All i did was turn it over a few times to try it. Nothing the first like 8 times, came back in and out to post on here and look for other threads, next thing you know - it goes!! Freaks me out.
those type of faults can be hard to track down eh, my blue car would fail to start tho if the ecu plug was,nt cocked to 1 side a bit
Hmm, the engine was turning was like it was REALLY trying to start. You know sometimes when you turn it and turn it and nothing's happening? Well it was like it was really almost starting, but not.

I can tell you it reeked of fuel when it started, rather lumpy and then smoothing out. After listening to the engine i do hear what may be a slight bit of play in the bottom end, like a feint regular knock under idle with no load. That's also worrying, unrelated i'm guessing? - or is that normal? There's plenty of oil like, that's not an issue.

I need scooby-doo and the gang.
So, started first turn of the key today. Hope it was a random one off.

When i start it cold theres a vibration noise, sounds like it could be a heatshield or something? Here's a question though, should i expect a similar noise from an incorrectly adjusted timing chain? Just to put my mind at ease, since i can't get under the car atm due to work, weather etc. My initial thought would be that would that might be something associated with that very feint knock. When I apply some pedal as the RPM increase the rate of vibration increases but then totally stops as revs go into 2k - 3k.

Any ideas? Thanks in advance.
the chain tensioners are hydraulically pressurised during normal operation.

the tensioners have a light spring to keep it pushed against the chain when turned off and the upper tensioner has a ratcheting stopper mechanism so as the chain wears and stretches longer, the tensioner has to stick out more n more but the ratchet prevents it from being fully retracted back in when the engines stopped.

on initial cold start there's no oil pressure to the tensioners so they'll be rattling about with their weak little springs until there's enough oil pressure within say 3sec which gets forced into the tensioner via a tiny hole and takes up slack and silences the chain.

the tensioner & ratchet does have a limit as to how far out (ie slack) it can extend but if the chain is really stretched beyond this limit it'll start to run loose and rattle and the cam timing will be off too.

if the chain still rattles after the oil lights gone out then either the oil feed hole in the tensioner is blocked from debris or sludge, or the chain is really worn that the tensioner can take up the slack.
I wonder if i made a video of this noise and uploaded it would we be able to tell what it is? I'll try and get it in the air to check it's not a loose bit of heatshield of something daft.