help with guages

has anyone got a oil temperature guage fitted to their car?? or does anyone know how to do it??...i ave a oil temp waiting to be put on....i also have a volt meter but thats handy cause im going to wire that through the amp...or is there a better way of doing that??

All you need to do is make sure your temp sender is in direct contact with flowing oil. This can be achieved either by tapping into the sump (least accurate imo), an oil chamber or through using a sandwich plate (probably the easiest).

Providing your threads match up its a simple screw in, wire it up and youre good to go.

will leave the voltmeter part for someone whos got experience with one.

Hope that helps. :)
If it's just a plain old volt meter in a fancy case, then you should just be able to wire in parallel across the component you want the voltage of.
i have a oil temp gauge fitted. took it from the allen key bolt in the front of the head and it works ok prob best lower down tho lol