Help! Micra clamped!!!

Hi All,

Firstly...great site!

Secondly..hope Ive posted in the right forum??

As you can guess...Ive just registered, I really need some advice about my Micra SLX 93/N reg, Im trying to find out how and if its possible to remove the drivers side ball joint using a ball joint splitter? also is it possible to refit the same ball joint afterwards and drive the car a short distance, ok...your probably thinking 'whats this idiot on about' let me explain.......

I went to work this morning and parked in our private work car park, Same as I have for years, anyway when I came back to my Micra I found it clamped! Our company uses a private clamping company mainly because a local gypsy site kept parking their vans in our carpark leaving us no where to park and a load of abuse and broken windows if we complained! you get the picture...

Anyway...I called the clamping company and said theres been a mistake...I have a permit to park here, they basically said it wasent displayed in my window....which is a complete lie!....their word against mine though.

So...I want to remove the clamp and refuse to pay...just give their clamp back I cant get charged with anything.

The problem is....The chain for the clamp is wrapped around the drivers side ball joint!! hence my question of can I take off the ball joint with a ball joint splitter....(to remove clamp) then replace ball joint and drive about two miles home? will it it possible??

Please note..This is legal as long as I return the clamp undamaged...mad but true as its on private land!

So...please, please, please can you let me know if the ball joint job is possible??

Thanks in Advance!

Woody (A.K.A) Chris
have you contacted the police to report this? if so what did they say ? if not personaly if what you have told us is true. i would ring the clamping company up again and ask to speak to some one higher up in this company, then if they still wont remove it i would personaly just go and cut it off my self and smash the thing through the clampers window ( but thats just me lol ) why should you have to do what you say you want to do if it was parked there legally
Destroy the clamp, slice it off and chuck it in a river. Noone will ever find it. You can pop the joint off with a long metal bar, or if you got a splitter do it that way, I've reused them before though not on micras
Are "the management" not prepared to support one of their employees and contact the company on your behalf?
just undo the nut on the ball joint (17mm i think) then as ollyc said use a crow bar or similar to remove the ball joint, fitting it back is safe and easy mine have been out dozens of times and put back in.

be sure to clean the thread tho with a wire brush and the nut wont come off easy otherwise and the ball joint will spit making it extremely difficult to remove it.
Hi All,

Thanks for your help I managed to remove the clamp! yesss!

The only problem I have now is that the bolt is turning as I re-tighten the nut on to the ball joint, there isent a nut on the bolt to hold it still with either but I managed to tighten it enough to get me home ;)

Just need to figure out how to tighten up the ball joint nut properly now.

I informed the police....Nothing they can do as it was on private ground!
They advised me not to damage the clamp though as I could get done for criminal damage!! cant you believe it!!
However they dident say anything about NOT chaining it to the railings outside with 3 different padlocks (Y)

Our company are dealing with the muppet clampers as we speak, I just had to remove the clamp before they got the chance to tow it away...who knows what would of happened to my micra if I they had got their hands on it!

By the way...its easier to remove the split pin before un-tightning the ball joint nut! Opps! :p

Cheers guys!!
If the bolt is turning it m,eans the thread is still dirtt, however the best way to do it is to take the wheel off (with the car supported on axle stands or similar) place a jack under the ball joint and jack up untill it is raising the car then hit the hub where the bj goes through with a hammer a couple of times then it will tighten ok

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