Help! Blown fuse - speedometer fuel gauge room lamp not working


A few months ago my CD player, room lamp and gauges stopped working and cig lighter,I replaced the room lamp fuse and they started working again perfectly fine. None of the other fuses were blown,

Yday however it happened again, now whenever I replace my room lamp fuse it works for a few minutes but the fuse blows again, I been told its a short problem

How do I fix this myself exactly? Or if not how much would a auto leccy charge me to fix it?
I removed my CD player and even took out my cigarette lighter fuse but the room lamp fuse still blew, only thing I noticed which I don't know if its odd or not is that my cigarette lighter was always live even when my car was completely off you could still plug a car charger in.

Please help!
The charger is fine. Some cars are permanently on there. But I'd pop it out amd have a look for foul play
Does sound like a short to keep blowing fuses.
I know it sounds harsh but you are putting the right amp fuse in place? Is it when you do something that it blows?
Yea I am putting the right amp fuse in, the room lamp is a 10a plus I got a diagram on the back of my fuse box panel so I can hardly get it wrong! And no it doesn't blow when I do something in particular it just randomly blows it blew about 3 10a fuses yday.. And I need a little more information cause to me It sound like your talking French, pop it out amd? Lol excuse me for my poor knowledge
Pop the cigarette lighter out AND check for foul play
My phone believes it knows better so changes my words
Mine is a 15amp for those things in my cars thats why I ask.
Ive a feeling it may be a cd player wire thats been caught or the cigarette lighter
Aha the joys of smartphones

You could be right, when I took the CD player out yday it turns out the previous owner didn't even bother to get the right iso block and wires for it and he done it in some dodgy way! But it was workig fine before that both cd player and fuse, the last time the fuses went it was my bad because i forgot id left my car charger in the cig lighter with the car off so im assuming that caused it to blow! this time around i have a feeling it could of been the same thing, Also my cigarette lighter isn't in it's correct place, in the 'hole' it should be fitted into, it came loose and now it's just a wire hanging out the bottom with the cig lighter on the end, but that's always been like that too.
P.s I got a pic but my damn iphone won't let me upload it !
Aha the joys of smartphones

You could be right, when I took the CD player out yday it turns out the previous owner didn't even bother to get the right iso block and wires for it and he done it in some dodgy way! But it was workig fine before that both cd player and fuse, the last time the fuses went it was my bad because i forgot id left my car charger in the cig lighter with the car off so im assuming that caused it to blow! this time around i have a feeling it could of been the same thing, Also my cigarette lighter isn't in it's correct place, in the 'hole' it should be fitted into, it came loose and now it's just a wire hanging out the bottom with the cig lighter on the end, but that's always been like that too.
P.s I got a pic but my damn iphone won't let me upload it !
Use a photo hosting site. Like photo bucket
These not-so-smart phones are irritating
To save your pennies I'd double check all wires and insulate any unused if they are bare. Vibration over time may have brought them into contact :)
Where are the wires and what's the easiest way to get to them, the CD player wires are right in front of me cause ive took the player out, how do I get to c the cig wires properly and what about the fuse box wires? And what exactly am I looking for e.g how do I know the wires fudged up and how do I fix it after.
Really need to save the pennies I don't get paid till next Friday and I'm broke! And it's not fun driving wirhout a speedometer or fuel gauge

Dnt know if this link will work
Remove the cig lighter completely. A fudged wire will look like discoloured fudge :p
Your looking for exposed metal from the wires and to repair em simply wrap insulation tape round them
Any sharp bends are prone to splits or breaks. Also check your earths
Is there any specific way to remove it and ill have a look at the wires when work is quiet later on around 4ish but you missed out if I'm meant to look behind the fuse box and if so what's the easiest way lol I'm sorry I do need specifics otherwise I'm like a lost soul
Usually a plastic insert to pull out first. But it will pop out will with the help of a screwdriver.
As for fusebox wires you'll have to lay in a twisted manner half in the car half on the floor and have a look under the dash
The cig lighter wires go back into the plug behind the CD player but there's no discoloured or burnt wire, I'm assuming the cig lighter itself has just conked out and perhaps a new one would sort it?
Gonna get my CD player rewired tomorrow and if I find a cig lighter ill put that in and if it doesn't blow then ill know its that but if it does then its either tracing it back to the fuse box and sorting it or just leavin it and getting a stereo with a USB input to use as a charger!

Thank you for all your help mate it's very much appreciated you saved me a fortune
More than welcome
If your rewiring your cd player check your earths. I'd have the cig lighter on its separate earth :)
You were right again the cig lighter earth was wired to the back of the cd wiring aswell, where is it supposed to be?
I'd leave the cd player alone on its own earth and attach the cig lighter somewhere else :) as long as it touches the metal body of the car it will be earthed

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