Hi everyone
Well for starters I'm Kyle and live around the Newcastle/Durham area of England. I went within a year and a half from saying i won't be seen dead in a micra to owning 4 in that time. I started off with a 1 litre w reg Profile (aka Milly) which i still own, got it with 18000 on the clock and just loved the car.
I then needed a car for my Girlfriend so went for a 1 litre micra S (aka Bub) , 4 weeks later someone drove into me and write it off
. Needing a car quick i rushed out and got you guessed it another w reg 1 litre profile (aka Xena) . This then was found to have a bad case of rust, so after paying to get the rust sorted i decided to sell it on after 3 months before any more problems came about.
However before i sold it i manged to find a Y reg 1.4 sport plus which i have now owned for a week and haven't named yet. The 1.4 has some go i have to say, don't have to plan overtakes or gain momentum before going up hills.
so yeah that's my short account of my Micra history, hopefully i haven't put anyone to sleep
Here is a picture of Milly then Micra when leaving uni for everyone's amusement, i didn't think it was possible to fit so much stuff in a micra
Well for starters I'm Kyle and live around the Newcastle/Durham area of England. I went within a year and a half from saying i won't be seen dead in a micra to owning 4 in that time. I started off with a 1 litre w reg Profile (aka Milly) which i still own, got it with 18000 on the clock and just loved the car.
I then needed a car for my Girlfriend so went for a 1 litre micra S (aka Bub) , 4 weeks later someone drove into me and write it off
However before i sold it i manged to find a Y reg 1.4 sport plus which i have now owned for a week and haven't named yet. The 1.4 has some go i have to say, don't have to plan overtakes or gain momentum before going up hills.
so yeah that's my short account of my Micra history, hopefully i haven't put anyone to sleep
Here is a picture of Milly then Micra when leaving uni for everyone's amusement, i didn't think it was possible to fit so much stuff in a micra