Hey guys i've just got me a a new headunit, it was about time i updated to a
cd/mp3 player from the standard cassette player, its a JVC KD-G521.
I've never fitted anything like this before but you gotta start somewhere right wondered if there was anything i should know before i start, i've had a look at the guide on www.mightymicra.co.uk which looks to be of great use :grinning: Do i need an ISO block to fit it & also how do you earth it to the car? Any advice would be great.
There seems to be a bit of confusion about 2 speaker and 4 speaker ISOs... I would follow the Car Audio Direct guide... and just buy! My mistake was, I ended up buying a 2 speaker one as my car had 2 speakers only... and I had to use bullet connectors to wire it all up which was pointless... but it works!!! SO I was told... that the correct ISO is a direct fit... you disconnect the old one and the new one should snap on...
About the Earth... anywhere is fine really... as long as it is part of the body and on bare metal... I took the wire around... behind the glove box... and wired it on the inside near the passenger footwell... with a little screw...