Headlight refresh/restore...

So, after putting it off for ages I finally got a quiet evening to give the Shicras headlights some proper attention. They had just generally degraded over time and were looking pretty rough (so is the rest of the car.. but at least this is something i can have a stab at..)

A before of the passengers light (the worst of the two..)


(Also showing some faded red paint to rival a Trophy's...)

And the drivers side (better, because I had a go at this one before but ran out of f***s to give..)


I attacked them both with some 800grit first to get the raised abrasions off, then 2500 then some 3000 (had some lying around). Finally I'd invested in some Meguiars scratch x - the stuff is incredible! The 3000 grit left them quite cloudy (still better than before) but the Meg's stuff made them look like new (nearly..)

Some durings...
(yes, that is masking tape, yes it was a bi*ch to get off in one piece, and no, I didn't do it with the bonnet closed - I had to nip out to get the Meguiars... got some funny looks!)



Typically, as I stood back and admired my physical-handiwork, the white R5 turbo (which is immaculate & caged) rocked up and cracked out a DA to give the US Police car a once over.
The guy opposite is an American car nut - two US Police cars, an ex-film car General Lee signed by Daisy Duke, a Wanna-bang-o and a big V8 van)

And finally, the only after i got, but a visible improvement. I've also whipped the indicators/grille out and gave it a dusting over with some satin paint (will get photos when its all back together)


At least now the front looks average, shame the rest is a couple of shades of pink/dirt (any volunteers...?)
Very good result...

I had a go at my mums a couple of years ago with Silvo...worked really well but over the past year they simply clouded over again :(
...more recently I attacked them with some polish my dad had in the garage, no idea exactly what kind, as it is being kept in an old salad cream bottle LOL
...here is my result...
Before: http://s189.photobucket.com/user/Sai_art/media/Car/SDC11291_zpscc6cf659.jpg.html
After: http://s189.photobucket.com/user/Sai_art/media/Car/SDC11292_zps7b65b40a.jpg.html
...not perfect, and certainly not as good as yours are now, but better than they were before
...if the clouding returns in the next couple of months I may too resort to the wet and dry LOL
Thanks -thats a good result for just polish. these were beyond polish.. way beyond! Wet 'n dry is a ballache, it really is, but the results are worth it. If it starts to cloud up again i'll probably attack it with Megs again. Maybe it was just gritty old salad cream???

Just been and checked and the lenses are immaculate apart from some ingrained scratches and lots of little marks that look like fractures... and thats with the lights on - with them off they're spotless! Also got a sidelight out so might be LED sidelight time...

Yeah definitely worth it. The dim yellow glow looks poor. Sprayed all the black trim with satin black today - grilles, scuttle panel below the window, wiper arms and mirror surrounds + the triangular corner piece. Looks MUCH tidier than the greyed mess it was before... the rest of the shicra lets it down now..!!
amazing work ..this is my first mighty micra and I've already started a "to do list" ..hahaha ..so its just a lot of elbow grease and salad cream to freshen up my head lights ...???..
Thanks -thats a good result for just polish. these were beyond polish.. way beyond! Wet 'n dry is a ballache, it really is, but the results are worth it. If it starts to cloud up again i'll probably attack it with Megs again. Maybe it was just gritty old salad cream???

Just been and checked and the lenses are immaculate apart from some ingrained scratches and lots of little marks that look like fractures... and thats with the lights on - with them off they're spotless! Also got a sidelight out so might be LED sidelight time...


Products like Megs usually only succeed in taking off the original UV coating; that is way they return to yellow after time. If restored professionally the restorer also applies new UV coating as well.
amazing work ..this is my first mighty micra and I've already started a "to do list" ..hahaha ..so its just a lot of elbow grease and salad cream to freshen up my head lights ...???..

LOL..it's not salad cream :p
it's resin polish that for some reason happens to be kept in an old salad cream bottle...salad cream is not recommended ^_^
...silvo will also work :p
Jen and her Gypo Salad cream methods...

The Megs wont have removed the UV coating... the 20 minutes of varying grades of wet'n'dry paper would have taken off what was left on them... Megs just does a proper job of getting fine scratches out (used it on my iPhone the other day...)..

Apart from Jens comment about them fogging up, I've not read anywhere that they re-yellow - they were also sealed/waxed which has UV protection in it...