hand lever holder rubbers wanted

Hi there,

I've just made a tranny mod for my auto Micra K10 yet I can't find any of these (circled):

So I'm looking for these parts to hold the gearbox lever in place. As you know, K10s are hard to find nowadays especially in the Caribbean.

Please MP if you've got a spare or if you can find some in scrappies.

Good stuff! can we made a deal on this one? how much do you sell them (+s&h)?

shouldn't weigh that much, just a handful of peanuts.
Yep! There it goes.
Mr Pascal l. Dijon
#60 res les bellevues de Convenance
97122 baie mahault
Guadeloupe F.W.I.

How much do you sell them? You got a paypal account/ address?
I'd go for ten quids! I think it'd be the same for the Postage fees (more or less) but can't tell for sure.
Let me know once you get the Postage quote.
Sorry about the delay but I've been busy all day and I couldn't log on to my Paypal account with my Bberry (can't explain why). Besides the time difference doesn't help;) .

Payment has been made so now it's up to you.

One last thing, do you know whether or not the front engine mounting brackets are the same for manual/auto trannies?

I might be looking for one...

by any chance have you got a front engine mounting bracket for K10 in good condition (the one underneath the car)? mine is worn and I feel like the engine doesn't sit in place. It might damage the cranshafts on a long term basis.

Also I'm looking for a K10 rev counter...I know it's kinda rare to find so I try my luck.

Dunno whether or not it's worth opening a new thread for these!
My mistake! Told you it was the front one when actually it's meant to be the rear mount. Depending on you are while facing the engine.
Let me know if you manage to grab it.
Hi there,

ain't got news from you. Presume you must be kinda busy at the moment.
Did you manage to dig about for the rear mount bracket?
Yea trying to keep busy. I started tp look for it. I've found the box of k10 parts. So I'll go through that tonight for you :)

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