You'll want this list @James

Brilliant, cheers!

Can we have a new list that also shows your actual GTA Social Club username too?
Forum name    Gamertag          Social Club      Console
James         JHarland          CalamityJames    Xbox
h701micra     Hyrcan Phoenix
Huggy444      Huggy444
McMicra       UGLY FIVE FIVE
Kamarley      Dench Orange
Chogy         0123
Bunny         BunnyR01
The more detailthe better :)
I joined the social club online then had to join again online... wanna merge my accounts somehow
Forum name - Gamertag - Social club name

H701micra - Hyrcan Phoenix
Huggy444 - Huggy444
Kamarley - Dench Orange
Chogy - 0123
Bunny - BunnyR01
James - JHarland - Calamity James

I know what's tonight's plan then??

GTA 5 followed by BF4 beta. Me and Steve make quite the team (especially in two tanks @McMicra ) we just need a few more so we can get a bit more done. Ie a support dude to chuck us ammo. An assault dude who can just kill mofos. An extra engineer for rpg goodness.
I've got the sniper bit covered and with those targeting binos... helis and tanks wet their pants

BF4 is available free on the market place get it downloaded people
BF4 takes about 1hr to download

Stick it on DL as soon as you get in from work, go chill have some dinner and itll be done by the time you get on GTA :)


build smiuld, if you arnt turboing my car aintcare :L

Hurry up work hard and leave early = more vidyur game time
I can go when I like but I'm enjoying myself :p
Subaru impreza coilovers.... of course for Nissanubaru I'm taking a great deal of interest :D

But I like your thinking... I'll print the specs off and take them home to "evaluatethem"/ xbox ;)