Golf gti seats


Club Member
Quick question, mate has a golf gti p-reg gonna scrap it later, was wondering if the seats would go in with some jiggery pokery?
Ahhh the Jeremy clarkson approach....nice.

Only askin coz they would be free, I like free stuff
Hmm maybe worth ripping them out and smashin them in, quite a cozy little seat, better than the Bean bags that are in there now
yeah just make them fit make sure there good and secure or it will fail the mot. if they dont fit sell them and get some sunny gti/gtir seats i know they fit cause ive done it and they bolt up on 3 mounts each seat. the 2 remaining mounts have to be drilled and you will have to use some thick washers. but nothing major about 1 hours work and they are really really comfy and hold you well through the bends with being a sort of bucket seat. (Y)
haha yeah sure :laugh: can't beat the time i mocked fitted mine and got called out to work. they was held in with 6 inch blocks of wood and 8 inch nails :laugh: and on my way home it dropped to bits and the seat kept falling back into the lying down position :doh: that was in the corolla tho not the micra lol i lernt from this mistake.

you shouldn't need a welder unless there completely different i usually drill then fit massive washers underneath the car. some mot places can be really funny about it although imo its perfectly safe.
if it was one of these then they are awesome[URL=""]
559-prodrive-return-wrc-11-a.html[/URL] (Y)

my old one was like this (the white one with trd sunstrip) except mine dint have the gay subaru bonnet vent and eye lids :laugh: it was completely stripped and the engine i tuned my self with a few diy mods (Y) not much could touch it down the back roads it was very very well balanced but completely nuts at the same time it would step its rear end out round the twisties but it was so controllable. i have had 205's in the past ranging from 1.4's to gti's and they aint no slouch round the bends but ive never known anything like the corolla. if it wasn't for my mate rolling it i would still have it. i couldn't have another tho cause i was to attached to that car. i just hope the k10 can entertain me the way that did when its done.

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